An Introduction

by Desert Rat 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Hi Sue. Welcome to the forum. Give your hubby a pat on the back for me.

    I think my need for religion right now, may be, because our family has had a string of five deaths recently, and maybe I'm wondering if this life is all there really is...???

    Watch yourself. That sort of questioning makes you a prime target for cult hopping.

    When you leave a cult you should trash everything you were taught. Everything we thought we 'knew' is suspect, including the primary religious books. If Mom wore a burka, would that mean the Koran was the word of God?

    When you see something in a religious book that doesn't make sense, instead of thinking that you are stupid and need some sort of 'spiritual' guidance to understand it, consider the possibility that it actually doesn't make sense.



  • Desert Rat
    Desert Rat

    Thank-you all for the welcome!

    My husband is a very smart man- but don't tell him that! He studied for about a year maybe, then realized it was all bunk, and stopped everything. I was heavy back on the inside by then, thinking he was coming in too. He never stood in my way, or prevented me from doing anything, but he let me figure it out for myself. Maybe that is why we are still together today.

    I consider myself to be an apostate now. JW's can't go door to door where I live, so every couple of years they do a mailing to every one in town. That gives me a personal address, and I always write that one back presenting info to them, a lot of it from this site! Word must be out about me though, because my box number got left off the list with their last mailing. Oh well...

    I have lived across the street from a darling looking little church for years. I hear the bells ring every Sunday morning at 10:30, and am sometimes drawn to sitting outside and listening to see if I can hear singing. Of course, being a very small town, I know the preacher and his wife, and every person that attends there. That may be what keeps me from going? I couldn't blend into the walls there! Maybe some day I will find what I am looking for.

    Again, thank-you all for the welcome!


  • mouthy

    Welcome aboard Sue

    Glad your free,as for attending a Church.I have attended many since I came out of bondage
    I have many,many friends from all the Churches I have attended.I have spoken in MOST denominations.
    Just giving my testimony & telling them a "good response:" when they get a knock on the door.
    My daughter Melanie joined the United Church after her leaving the cult.I couldnt believe
    how wonderful the whole congregation was to her.She died with Cancer at 42 years of age,The Minister
    came twice a week to visit ,the whole congregation took turns in bringing a cooked supper for the whole
    family( Her hubby & twin girls & a boy)every night....Then my son died at 46 I was attending a Baptist church by then
    The Pastor would visit him in the Hospital( my son was an atheist)He did NOT preach at him, just showed him love.
    I do not attend Church ,I listen to Charles Stanley ( sometimes on T.V. ) also I enjoy Charles Price on the LIVING TRUTh

    Last wednesday some of those friends from differant churches gave me a surprise birthday lunch,
    one was a Lutheran,another a Baptist, another a Mennonite,another an agnostic....GREAT BUNCH!!!

    God looks at hearts Not religions in my humble opinions. ( well maybe I "aint: so humble

  • DaCheech

    been to the vatican, and been to local church for a wedding and there's nothing the elders can do! lighting never came my way either.

    good luck, do what you must

  • cyberjesus

    welcome rat

  • Heaven

    Welcome to JWN, Desert Rat! I am not a JW but my Dad is. I have my own personal issues with the Bible and religions on the whole so I don't attend any church. I see them as a man-made creation and not mandatory to have a relationship with Christ and God.

    One of my roles at the moment is to help my aging Father who is now having age related problems. I can see how the JW way does not include people who have issues like his where one can no longer perform the 'witnessing' duties.

    A couple of books that have helped me way more than any holy book ever has are Stephen Covey's "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" and "First Things First".

    If you are drawn to the little church across the street from you then I say check it out. There's no harm in seeing what they have to offer. If you like it, keep going. If you don't, then stop. But if you never go, you'll never know what it is like. Good luck in your journey.

  • Desilusionnee

    Welcome Sue !


  • tiki

    Welcome Sue...I am sorry to hear of the deaths of those close to you. I was born-in, raised...and it took me forever to get free, but thankfully I have. I have no use for any organized religion personally, but respect those who do find a place and peace in a religion. I think even the Witnesses hold an attraction for people who are quite needy and not comfortable in their own skin...but, be that as it may. My only excursions into the halls of Babylon have been for funerals, and I must say, one Catholic one I went to was most pleasant.

    Good luck to you and keep posting!!

  • peaches

    hi it is nice to meet you....peaches

  • Scarred for life
    Scarred for life

    Hi Desert Rat. Welcome. I think if you find the little church appealing you should go check it out. I doubt that it will have any of the negative traits of the JWs. You may find many friends there and a good support system. It may be a place that you can plug in and do good in the community. Keep posting. Most churches are not like the JWs. You are free to think for yourself.

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