Was there alot of bro's with brown noses???
What happened in your congro when it was C.Os visit???
by karter 18 Replies latest jw friends
wha happened?
Just the "dead" appearing
ALL the elders and MS's just happened to take vacation days and actually go out in service during the week and ofcourse they wouldn't work with the lowely rank and file but were attached to the CO and his wife...
It turned into a Stepford congregation. Everyone sang louder and smiled...a lot. Several weeks before the elders attempted to visit everyone in their home (active & inactive) and harrassed folks for missing time. Everyone and their cousin would come out of the woodworks and be at the meeting. That many people NEVER attended the bookstudy...LOL.
Everyone out in service, even taking kids out of school for it. One CO advised not to have kids under 16 miss school just to be out in service during his visit.
However, there was one exception. We had a CO couple that was not the most attractive pair and the wife was a real downer. They were new to the circuit work. No one wanted to work with the wife...no one. I was assigned to work with her everyday during their time with our congregation until it was time for their new assignment. Even at the time, I thought she suffered from depression...she definitely did not want to be in the circuit work. Either that or she hated the ministry.
People would line up for the privilege of having these freeloaders over for a meal. Being a cheap bastard, I didn't want them but kept quiet because my ex wanted the opportunity to bask in the light of the CO's holy gaze. I'll admit there was one CO I liked, and we had him and his wife over a few times. The rest just made me tired.
Usually, you would see about 25% more people at the Kingdumb Hell than on a regular night--or more. You usually had the Kingdumb Hell packed for field circus, too. And, once I remember the boasting session on a school night running way past 10:30 PM.
Ummm... it's been a while, but I remember them 'rescheduling' our Thursday meeting to Friday - so the CO could keep his 'regular' schedule.
I always wondered, and I think I even asked aloud - once - why couldn't HE change his schedule to meet ours, and have the meeting on our regular night? You'd think I had committed some sort of unforgiveable sin by even thinking this - much less asking it!
Jim TX
Oh my oh my....well for one thing, they'd come around and be giving everyone the business for having homes and jobs. Well who is going to feed and house them if everyone quits their job and runs around pioneering? Everyone would show up for the meetings...people would dress better...the talks would be of much higher quality than the usual...all hypocrites. Why should everyone's behavior magically change just because there were a couple of people there who usually weren't???
One cong I was in, though...there was a very vicious "sister". This woman was really horrible and caused untold grief. She thought she was the holiest of the holies and she only spoke to certain individuals she deemed acceptable. CO shows up and she's flitting around all smiles and lovey-dovey with everyone, including all of her victims that she'd tried to get into trouble. I remember certain elders as well who ordinarily were far too good to condescend to say hello to certain ones....all of a sudden they're acting like the best buddy of the same people they usually avoided like the plague.
On the other hand, over the years, there were a few CO and DO couples that were real sweethearts. One in particular stands out to me...this man was such a dear. They were older and stayed at our house. Were very kind, compassionate people. They were very concerned because they'd never worked, had no family, no $$$ and knew that their health was such that continuing in the work would not be possible much longer. I felt so bad for them...absolutely nowhere to turn. I told them they could come live with us and I'd support them. They ended up retiring to somewhere with her family...but it just shows how "loving" the big shots in Brooklyn are to their hard workers, loyal supporters. So so sad.
Many, especially elders and ministerial servants, would arrive early and act like they always arrived early.
Especially elders, but other upwardly mobile brothers, would give the C.O. green handshakes early in the week.
Midweek meetings for recruiting would be crowded, but very little door-knocking actually took place as they stayed at the hall for a longer meeting and many would be invited to lunch with the C.O. and his wife. But a few people tried hard to get the C.O. or his wife to go on their calls.
Some of the pioneers knew they would "get less time in" during the C.O. visit and would plan accordingly.
Brothers that wanted to become ministerial servants or elders thoroughly studied and commented a bunch during that week's meetings.
The Brothers got a haircut and the Sisters put on hosery............