I am an unbaptised publisher and something happened (don't ask) and I had a "back room conversation" with 2 elders and they told me that I can't answer in the meetings or give talks for a while.This happened in the 1st Feb 2010.My questions are:How long will I have to wait to answer again?Do I have to meet with 2 elders again in the back room to talk about getting the priviledges back?What happens if I don't want to meet them in the back room again?If I refuse to be in the thocratic ministry school will/can they tell me that I am no longer an unbaptised publisher?Please answer only if you are/was an elder or if you are sure.Thanx
Question about priviledges
by XPeterX 19 Replies latest jw friends
Well, you can email them that you do not want to be in the back room anymore, you can have them email you when you get your privileges back. You can request not to be in the Theocratic Ministry School. I was never an elder, but I was MS for 3 years. Every body of elders decide differently. I do not know what your elders are like.
Black Sheep
Pop down to the library and get some books out that discuss how cult mind control and abusive relationships work. I'll think you will find your answer in them.
Please answer only if you are/was an elder or if you are sure.Thanx
I don't think there is any for 'sure' as far as the rules go. Each elder/s make up their own rules as they see fit. I lost the same 'privileges' but I was never told. I figured it out then I kept raising my hand and wasn't called on. Then remembered that I hadn't been assigned a talk in months.
They don't own you. You don't owe them anything. This is your life, live it now, it might be the only one you get.
Why do you not ask the elders how long they will make you wait? .....They can do what they like and keep you in limbo until they think you are once again a fit and proper person to "bear the good news"
Are you studying with someone or growing up in The Borg ? Your study conductor or father would have an input..
BTW Your previous posts say that you were in the school so what is this about refusing?...although not rejoining should not stop them making you a publisher provided you decline politely and make good excuse..
It beats me why you want these priviliges back if , as you say you hate it so much? Please take this opportunity to get out of this cult now while you have the chance ...Once you are baptized your life and family could be screwed permanently
If you're here, you know that the site's membership is comprised of mostly exJWs.
As an Unbaptized Publisher™, you are in the perfect position to leave the JWs mostly unscathed. You can say that removing your Privileges™ was so harsh and discouraging that you feel you can't live up to the expectations and requirements of being a JW.
So, you can't answer at the meetings. So, you can't manage the microphones. What's the big deal? Privileges™ in the JW world are nothing more than artificially enhanced Joe-jobs. They slapped a pretty label on it. Cleaning the toilets at the KH is a Privilege™. Taking out the trash at the KH is a Privilege™. Getting up early on Saturday mornings and disturbing people in their homes when they prefer to be sleeping (aka: going out in Service™) is a Privilege™. Let them have their stupid Privileges™ - surely you can find something more enjoyable to do.
Speaking from experience, some Elders™ will hold that over your head for a longgggggg time while others will forget about it within a couple of months. Usually, the Elders™ who imposed the restrictions will monitor your "attitude" and when they feel that you have been humiliated enough, they will restore your Privileges™.
The key thing to remember is that Discipline™ is intended to demoralize and humiliate you, to make you want those Privileges™ back and to compel you to grovel to earn them back. It can only demoralize and humiliate you if you allow it. If you are looking for a way out of the JWs, then don't allow this tactic to have a negative impact on your self-esteem. It will puzzle the Elders™ if you don't beg them for another chance, or show them that you have an interest in having your Privileges™ restored.
GET OUT. LEAVE! Don't let them waste your life.
XPX if you want to stay an unBP, just ask the elders
for feedback on how you are doing.
But the best course of action, since you're here, is to
not worry about Privileges. As an unBP you're not going
to be announced as "no longer a Jehovah's Witness" and
get shunned. If you are announced as no longer an unBP
you will still have access to folks in the KH but they'll treat
you with caution since there's got to be some reason why
you were announced. But you can then say that you "fell"
and are getting up, we're all imperfect.
Why do you want to remain at the KH? I do it because of
family. If you are interested in relationships, friends, a girl
or boyfriend etc. Then realize that you're dealing with
another person who is in the "clutches of the Watchtower"
and your relationship may not succeed unless you both
get free of the cult. If you succeed in getting married you'll
realize it's like being married to a drug addict, except in this
case the "drug" is the organization.
Back to your question, if after 3 months or so, when they have
the quarterly meeting, you haven't heard from them, go up to
them and ask. Chances are they've already talked about you
in their BOE meetings, and especially before a Circuit Overseers
visit, where they need to make sure everything looks like it's
been going good in the Congregation. People without privileges
for a long time looks bad for them too.
I hope things work out for you whichever way you take, XPX.
Wasanelder Once
They took away your commenting and didn't pull you from service? Interesting. Usually they go together. It will depend on how scandalous your behavior was. If they feel the congregation needs to see you have been whipped with a wet noodle then they can restore your "privileges". They sometimes forget about restoring "privileges" and months go by. As has been said, none of these things are really privileges. Go make freinds with people who really care. You can get out clean now.
Think About It
Without knowing what happened and what your political clout in the cong is, it's really hard to say how long they will make you wait. What happened? Even if something serious, if your family has political clout in the cong, you could wait less than someone who doesn't have any family clout or standing.
Think About It