The 1935 comment is the only thing that stood out here. I thought that was demolished in May 2007.
by Soldier77 37 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
The 1935 comment is the only thing that stood out here. I thought that was demolished in May 2007.
Jehovah has evidently made sure that we will have anointed Christians among us all through the final days of this system of things until the destruction of “Babylon the Great.”
Yeah because every emotionally unbalanced person that attends a Memorial, will eventual pick up that glass
of wine and say yep I'm one of the anointed.
As long as there are memorials taking place at Kingdom Halls, there are going certain members of the public will
come to the conclusion " Thats for me".
The WTS. mentally nurtures the mentally off balanced.
in 1935 the judge said-stand up everyone.then he told them-"behold the great crowd".then everyone said-"gee,i always thought i wasnt going to heaven.the truth is they felt they were not going to heaven because they did not have a relationship with jesus.
In conclusion, he said that as we near the 100 year anniversary we should be "motivated" to preach
and spread the good news disease all the more so because we are no longer just in the last stretch but it is knocking on our doors...
The Idiot WBT$ CO does`nt understand the Generation Change..
Nor does he understand the difference between the FDS and the WBT$ GB..
The WBT$ has F*cked things up So Bad..The whole WBT$ Chain of Command is Confused..
Bethel has turned in to the Tower Of Babylon..Nobody knows whats going on..
.............................. ...OUTLAW
Does anyone else feel the WTS. is starting to show sighs of being strung out on their own
devised bullshit ?
I don't know if it's the way Soldier77 tells this story or if this C.O. just isn't keeping up or if WTS has decided to ignore every last frigging thing they said since 2007. It seems that everything old is new again.
Edited to add: I know! WTS has the C.O. say what they want the members to hear, but doesn't dare print it. I mean, they just told the members not to share recordings of these talks.
So, they're not dropping 1914?
he said that the GB is a representative of the FDS.
yes, that is the true part, but the JW's are too dumb to see the legal disclaimer here- which is the F&DS is just allegory and nobody ever says personally they are one of that class.
So, they're not dropping 1914?
Its still has its legs since they've introduced the overlapping generation doctrine.
When thats becomes invalid they may be forced to drop this supposedly significant year,
realistically they can milk it now for decades, since someone who is born now is part of the
overlapping generation.
The new overlapping generation though is quite the proficient lie, Jesus never said and this generation will
overlap to another. BS to support past proclaimed BS.
OTWO: I apologize for the incoherence on relaying my notes. I'm trying.
OUTLAW: I think it is a bit of that, the CO is from the states but out of his 25 circuits only 3 are english. So... maybe lost in translation?
It could be a combination of my poor writing skills along with someone that speaks english as a second language that makes this more difficult to understand.
Again, sorry about that...