CO visit reviews new "Generation" change today...
by Soldier77 37 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Sounds like the guy is going a bit off base & not keeping up with Jehovah's fast moving & rapidly changing direction chariot. That being said , assuming that broadly he was following the WTBTS' outline , it does seem that there is a "last hurrah" with 1914 - it is rapidly reaching its sell-by date so is being pushed to the front of the shelf & heavily promoted "while stocks last". (This also happened in the dying years of the 1914 generation doctrine). I guess after 2014 we won't hear much about it any longer (unless they can promote the "120 years to 2034" idea.)
So, they're not dropping 1914?
Apparently not, smartass...
But, it doesn't mean that still can't in the future....
CO stressed once again (he as said this in every talk this week) that we are approaching 100 years of Jesus reign
I'm a litle surprised that they're using this tactic...
I know they're trying to use it to raise awareness of how late in the end they are, but anyone who has any cognizant thinking abilities at all is going to start questioning the whole thing...
then in 1935 that marked the year that "most" of the anointed were sealed with the few exceptions of a few replacing ones...
Geez...can't they make up their mind on this.... was heaven sealed in 35 or not? If they're going to keep trying to use that date, they've got problems as the partaker numbers are increasing at too large a rate to explain. "Replacements"? You mean that 2000 of those already in heaven had to be replaced? Tells me that ruling as kings in heaven isn't all that it's cracked up to be if that many decide to abdicate...
I can't help but wonder sometimes if maybe they're trying to sift out the non hardcore believers with these continual flip flops and ridiculous statements. Make the doctrine so convoluted and non-sensical that only the most deluded and indoctrinated will follow. Shake out the trouble makers and doubters and rally the believers into a new pre-75 hysteria...
The CO finally admitted what everyone else knows the GB is the FDS unless there are others in the backroom with Oz.
Rutherford and Franz tried to close the Club in 1935, Russell had it closed in the 1880s, Calvin had his version in his day and the Catholics have their version of the Elite Club ................ and so it goes with all Cults.
I thought the above paragraph, three years ago now, swept away ANY SIGNIFICANCE to the date 1935. So why is this CO introducing it into the generation fiasco?
That is exactly the case.
The CO "evidently" forgot that point, or as noted above just doesn't get it.
We had a similar talk a few weeks back, but our CO did not mention 1935 at all. So it seems that talk is an outline, not a manuscript.
I'm sure the Bethel monitors reading this thread are face-palming right now - COs are screwing up the precious little nugget of noo lite that GB version 2.0 dreamed up all by themselves - the first really significant new teaching since Freddy kicked the proverbial bucket.
"It could be a combination of my poor writing skills along with someone that speaks english as a second language that makes this more difficult to understand."
You did fine.
"This one sister sitting in the same row as me lets out a gasp (no shit) and a few others have that look on their face, like WTF? Still others have that glazed over look, in fact, most have this look..."
I think the WTS has out done itself this time. Most JW's never think past "I'm part of the chosen group, nothing else matters".
To get one "gasp" and several "WTF" responses from that crowd is really remarkable.
Sorry if this sounds cold hearted.
White Dove
It's good that they are making the generation teachings more and more complicated and ridiculous. More will leave because of it. There is just no way to twist the scriptures to include generation overlap or 1935.
SOLDIER 77 - Fantastic thread by you ! Right on. It's so important to keep exposing how lame this new " generation overlap " theory , teaching, croc of $hit- whatever it is - and how the JW's are responding to it. Actually , I wasn't surprised that you heard a few gasps among the JW audience - as the new teaching is so ludicrous it could almost make it's own showing on Comedy Central.
However - It's NOT funny that the WT society continues to stubbornly insist on manipulating and mind controlling Jehovah's Witnesses with this " generation overlap " theory in order to promote it's OWN interests and delude members. I mean consider HOW MANY TIMES in recent months the WT society has been pushing this new " generation " teaching :
1. February online WT initially they disclosed it to rank and file members about " generation overlap ".
2. April 15th WT the actual article comes out in print on paper for all to read
3. All congregations are having a WT society appointed Circuit Overseer push the marketing of the idea every 6 months to every JW congregation
4. All JW congregations around the world will study this April 15th WT at the WT study the week of June 6th - 13th
5. At all District Conventions talks or at least 1 talk will be given all summer long explaining this new teaching.
So- Do you think the GB & leaders of the WT society want to indoctrinate the " generation overlap " thingie to all mind controlled JW's ?
You bet they do. All the more reason for us ex-JW's to start getting more vocal about exposing it to JW relatives or aquaintances we know. This is a dangerous mind control cult using subversive tactics of mind manipulation to dominate it's members. And the members don't even realize it. We have to stand up and supply information to make a difference. I intend to do just that this summer to my JW relatives, but carefully
There is about to be a huge collapse in witless numbers, as this noolite sinks into those at the kingdumb Hell.
After 1925, the numbers plummetted. The change of the Time of the End and Christs Second Coming from 1799 and 1874 to 1914 only occurred after enough of the old guard, who had served them for 50 years had left or died off.
These changes did not cause a murmur among the younger Gofors. The old ones who hadnt the courage to face the facts of their wasted lives just hung on and died before WWII.
They will do the same with 1914 in the next few years.
They moved the inspection of the FDS in the 1870s up to 1919, and they will move 1919 to sime other late date, in an attempt to give the young "OVERLAPPERS" credibility.
Look for a study rehashing the Elijah / Elishah work, passing on of the cloak etc. (They did it twice already -pre 1874"Elijah work" post "Elishah" work THEN pre 1914 "Elijah" post "Elishah".
These major changes happen when a critical mass of old ones has either die or left.
Wath this board. You saw it here first.