Has anyone here ever had Lyme Disease ?

by troubled mind 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    I figure if it is ringworm the ointment should clear it up in a week ....if it doesn't go away then i am going to insist on a blood test for Lyme disease

  • Snoozy

    OK I talked with my daughter. You have to have a lab (ordered by your Dr) to do the Western blot . But don't have it read there, the only lab that can correctly read a Western Blot is called lgnex. Your lab can send it there!

    Other labs are apt to make mistakes and are not real accurate. She is seeing a specialist in Columbia Missouri as Drs here don't know how to treat it once you have had it for a while. Don't wait too long. If your symptoms are noticible already you may get pretty sick!

    Her Dr sends reports and instructions to her primary Dr here and they work together..


    What area of Illinois are you in?

    That circle looks pretty suspicious..have you looked up the Bullseye rash on the computer? Sure looks like it. Especially the way it is spreading and getting larger.

  • Snoozy

    I want to make a suggestion if you aren't going to get the test right away. Save a picture of the bite for the Dr. And my Daughter had a regular Dr do the test for Lyme and it came back negative (half of it showed positive). She was still sick so decided to go see a specialist that dealt with lyme disease and he is the one that told her to have a different lab run the test and gave her the name. Then it came back with all the bars positive (active). She would really be sick by now if even alive if she hadn't of taken the extra step to insist on the test. What can it hurt? On my fist glance it does look like ringworm but with your symptoms I would really go toward the Lyme diagnosis as your symptoms match my daughter's perfectly. As time went back the weakness set in but she was also shown to have Mono at the same time.


  • Snoozy

    My daughter is really worried for you. You have to understand she has been really sick and it can affect your nervous symptoms if you wait too long to get treater!

    She said you need to get on Doxicyclin right away ..

    One of the posters here said she went to the hospital and got the antibiotics. That is risky but a good way to stop it in it's tracks and much quicker. But it only works if you catch it in time.My daughter waited too long and it hit her hard. So far it has been one year of antibiotics and pills for fungus because of all the antibiotics she has taken..gluten free, sugar free, all kinds of special diets. It has been a nightmare!

    I stated the wrong name for the lab. It is Igenex

    Their link is:



  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    Thanks snoozy for all the information ! I will keep up on this ,if in another week symptoms are not better or rash isn't gone I will take your advice . We live in north west Illinois near the Mississippi River .

  • Snoozy

    My daughter is 50 and said you can have her E mail address if you have any questions..I would not suggest waiting a week.

    I'm bossy aren't I. but I have been watching her suffer for a year now because she waited.

    Hugs..Snoozy. Just let me know if you want her E Mail.

  • Snoozy

    Just in case, a website that has a discussion group and question and answers and info on Lyme disease.


    Snoozy again..lol

    ps I have another daughter in Collinsville Illinois...

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