Greetings to all!!! Been lurking for a few months now and I thought it was time to finally introduce myself and start having some fun with the lot of ya. I've really enjoyed reading the threads and getting familiar with some of you. A little bit about myself, born and raised in the truth. Very, very zelous at some point. DF'ed once and reinstated once. Got into trouble again and this time ran for dear life. So the elders didn't have a chance to "take care" of me, or "make an example" of me... Anyway, decided not to go back as I knew the matter woulnd't be handled Biblically, but more so Theocratically......ahem, yeah...not the same thing. So, been inactive for a while now. And now for the big shocker: I do still believe it is the truth, and Jehovah's channel of communication on earth. Why? How? What the H am I doing here? To be honest, not really sure I just saw different NORMAL people I have lot in common with, mainly, the fact we've all been to a degree mistreated, disillusioned, misguided, etc, etc, (you name it) by the Org. And since all association with friends and family has been majorly cut off, thougth I could use the support and webship of people who are a little more....IDK..... open-minded??. It's been a long and painful several months of depression and JW-am-gonna-die-mentality. I very slowly started making a recovery and seem to be finally snapping out of it. Funny as it may seem I was actually able to get major good spiritual info from this site, thanks to all of you who posted about SAD's, CA's, Special talks and the like. Mostly, I just have fun reading the threads and there have been quite a few where I wanted to join. I truly respect everyone and their personal opinions, and from I've seen I think I'll get the same from most of you. So....say hi guys!!!