Hello to Everyone

by JediMaster 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • Think About It
    Think About It

    JediMaster........Welcome to the board. if you've been lurking anytime at all, then you probably know that the force is also strong in SD-7.

    SD-7.........good to hear from you again. I was wondering how you have been.

    Think About It

  • JediMaster

    Thanks all for your warm welcomes so far. It's nice to feel part of something again.

    Gayle- I know what you mean by the whole preprogrammed-mind-thing. I've thought about it many times and been wondering more and more. I've always been very open-minded. Done quite some research on Ray Franz and thought he's got an interesting story, and would like to hear his side of it. I've already pre-ordered the book through my local library and are eagerly waiting for it.

    LD- Yes, I've always been more the independent thinker, got me into trouble with the elders more than once.

    sd-7- You crack me up. No I don't think I recall seeing any of your posts before, but it looks like we'll get along just fine. You had me laughin hard. Ive actually imagined that very scene many times before. And, yes definetely gonna turn you in to the elders, but I'll take that offer first: Teach me everything you know. Glad to meet a fellow force user.

    Jedi Master

  • undercover
    And now for the big shocker: I do still believe it is the truth, and Jehovah's channel of communication on earth.


    You are young and inexperienced young padawan. You have the Force but it is not yet strong in you. Train you must, learn you must, the power of the Dark Side...

  • sd-7
    Teach me everything you know. Glad to meet a fellow force user.

    GOOOOOOOOOD! To learn the truth is a power only one has achieved, but if we work together, I know we can discover the secrets.

    Okay, seriously though, I think that since you've already ordered Crisis of Conscience, I can't possibly improve on that, but...it is a lot like Yoda said, "When once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny." Let me know your thoughts once you've read it. Believe me, the Sith are indeed at work in all of this, and you will find them in the most unexpected places.

    I do still believe it is the truth, and Jehovah's channel of communication on earth.

    He was deceived by a lie--we all were. It appears the Society was behind everything, including the war. The Governing Body is the Sith Lord we've been looking for. After the death of Charles Russell, Rutherford became its new apprentice. It has become a very great threat.


    Don't lecture me, JediMaster. I see through the lies of the Witnesses. I do not fear apostates as you do! I have brought peace, freedom, justice, and security to my new empire!

    Whichever you like. Take your time, do your homework, and "remember, Chewbacca, you have a responsibility to me, so don't do anything foolish!"

  • cyberjesus

    Welcome to our federation, this board is the fastest source of spiritual food you can get. We get the Scripts for the District Assemblies talks faster than anywhere else. Heck we need about the new generation definition since last year. If you decide to go back in, you can stay here with us and impress your JW friends with new information before they get it. That will make you really cool in the Borg.

    Now if you REALLY want to be super cool then wait until you read CoC then you ll the FOOD right from the factory, from the freaking farmers themselves. But we aware once you get that, there is no going back.

  • peaches

    hello,,,,it is nice to meet you...welcome....

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Welcome jedi master!

    This board needs its own "Welcome Newbies" section. We get a half-dozen of these threads a week, it seems.

  • JediMaster

    Now i feel like Anakin!!! Who's the bad guys again??? Right when you're at that point of turning and you don't who your real friends are and you're so confused: That's me right now. And like cyberjesus said, there is no going back. One of the things I'd always disagreed on was how everyone else was sooooooo bad. Once I started looking around saw different. Even here with so many "apostates", it's just people with different viewpoints and we need to learn to respect them. It's funny though, there were always a few bros/sis who always seemed to be one step ahead of everyone else. Now I think I know where they were getting the info. Should I go back I'll totally still keep in touch and definetely amaze my jw friends with my new powers. Maybe I'll even start partaking at memorial....LOL, that ought to explain it right??

  • JWoods
    Maybe I'll even start partaking at memorial....LOL, that ought to explain it right??

    But that would only make you a lowly "ordinary annointed" - the faithful and discreet slave has now been secretly decreed to be only the governing body...

  • yknot
    I do still believe it is the truth, and Jehovah's channel of communication on earth. Why? How?

    .... many of us did too.....

    What the H am I doing here? To be honest, not really sure

    Well if I channel my inner "sister-answer-all"

    I would say, you know something is wrong, your inner self knows you won't be believing much longer and wants to make sure you have a group of people who will cradle your fall, support you and help you discern.

    I am not saying you are anywhere near this phase, you probably will make a few 'tester' comments, read a lot more, ask questions, examine WTS History and than have a moment of breakdown which is quickly followed by a sense of release.

    You will probably end up reading Ray Franz and Steve Hassan

    It will suck, it will hurt but it washes over you......... you start to decide for yourself what you want, how you want it and which direction you feel is right for you.


    Until then who cares......... post your thoughts, experiences and opinions!

    Have fun, make friends, laugh with us, cry with us and enjoy all the WTS running-ahead scoops!

    Glad you joined, looking forward to more of your postings!

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