snowbird: from the start, I never believed the WT's interpretation of "this generation."
Reflecting back, I realize that I never really fully accepted the teaching, I guess thats why some will and have said "it makes more sense now", I especially heard that at the 2008 change, I don't even remember the 1995 change, I thought it was more like the 2008 teaching. There are others too that I would just brush off as hard to accept but just figured, oh well, not a game changer. Especially in the Revelation Climax book, I just remember some lessons feeling so uncomfortable about how hard they tried to make something apply that just seemed too out there ... I wondered why don't they just not try to come up with something and let it alone ... yet I stuck through studying it in the congregation, not once but TWICE!
Why? Why do we go along with something that we don't fully believe in the first place?