How do you help a girl having panic attacks?

by Cagefighter 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • TD

    I had a spate of panic attacks about 10 years ago, so I certainly sympathize. The root cause can be mental, but it is often chemical and not something you can really fight off mentally.

    I saw a doctor several times. --He couldn't figure it out, but he did give me one helpful piece of advice.

    Generally, the fitter you are cardiovascularly, the more resistant you are to the effects of a panic attack. I took up running and it really did work. --Went from full blown panic attacks every month or so to only mild palpitations once in awhile. Eventually even that went away.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Professional help would be of great help to understanding why she is having the attacks. Medication may help in the short run

    Something many of my clients found helpful were grounding exercises. Grabbing onto something solid, real, Something cold strengthens the rreality response. I often recommended the metal on a chair or desk. Just hold onto it moving your hands once the metal warms under your hands. And focus on breathing. That might require focussed breathing that you could help her with over the phone if needed I have one on my web page but there are many others that could work too.

    Also check the front of your phone book for crisis lines and see what they have to offer.


  • mindmelda

    A lot of the professional help I got with panic attacks centered on controlling breathing and visualization (similar to Lamaze, I thought...only more intensive). I even used a biofeedback machine to see visibly how I was controlling my breathing and heart rate. I found that really helpful, for some reason.

    The "cold" thing makes mine worse(I tried that and UGH, no)...I got better if I got into a hot tub of water or shower when having an attack. I get very cold feeling when I have a panic attack anyway, although some people feel very hot and flushed, I know. I have a friend who lies on a cold tile floor in the bathroom and it helps her.

    When I have an attack, the first symptom I have is all the blood draining from my extremities and an extreme tingling from lack of circulation to my hands and feet, which turn ice cold. I guess that's why hot water helps, and I also find it relaxing.

    I guess everyone is a little different. Drinking water helps me too. I was told that's because swallowing forces you to relax some of your muscles.

    I keep a few tablets of Xanax around which I also use when I feel an attack coming on Rx'd by my doctor. It short circuits it to take one. I only use it then, if you take it all the time, it becomes ineffective as a temporary anxiety reliever and there is an addiction risk if abused.

    I've had panic attacks since I can remember, they started when I was a child. My doctors have told me it's somewhat's gotten worse with hormonal changes (it was very bad when I was pregnant) and when I'm more asthmatic. Being short of breath is panic inducing for me, for one thing. Vicious circle.

    It's always good to rule out any underlying organic causes for panic attacks. A friend of mine found out she had hyperthyroidism which was contributing to hers.

  • TD

    ...Does it strike anyone as curious that so many of us have first hand experience with this?

  • Cagefighter

    Part of the reason I feel like such a Bastard is that I used to have them too and forgot. I got them in my early 20's. Used to feel like a heart attack with vertigo.... I can't believe I called her "mentally insane" the other night. Fortunately we made up last night :)

  • mindmelda

    Well, I already know that years of being a Witless left me with a whopping case of's a total mind f**k excuse my French, trying to be a Witness, and worse for some of us than others. I really think I loved being a Witness, or the idea of it, at first, because I was used to being controlled by an OCD mother who was emotionally abusive. Same ol, same ol! Everything rigid, controlled, and you got rejection and rage if you deviate one iota from the program that is designed to keep everyone and everything perfect. Except it doesn't of course.

    I always sucked at being a Witness, and thought it was my fault (of course, it couldn't be that the wise, wonderful and all knowing OZ is wrong!), so I had chronic and self abusing guilt until I literally had two "breakdowns". I contemplated suicide quite a bit at one point, thinking that was the way to just wake up in the New System as I'd never be good enough to do it through the works and behavior required of Witnesses.

    Only the thought of my children being without a mother when they were little stopped me from doing myself in properly. I try not to think about how ridiculous it all was, because it will make you insane with rage thinking about how these crazy beliefs have such power over you and they're utter nonsense, once you step outside of the Witness mentality.

  • cult classic
    cult classic

    TD - yeah. A huge part of panic/anxiety is poor coping. We were given a buttload of things we've had to deal with present/post witness life.

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