This happened many years ago in my old congregation.
The man, who held the position of a ministerial servant for many years had not long lost his wife in death.
Obviously, tensions and the general heartbreak of what happened to him lasted for sometime. I remember going to see him once and he was extremely depressed.
However, his son had recently moved back in with him and they had started arguing. His son grassed on him in to the Elders that his Father had sworn at him in a number of arguments and he was removed as a MS. The rest is history. I remember he had not long been diagnosed with Brain Cancer before he was disfellowshipped.
He was reinstated a matter of weeks before he died. This was around 2006.
I remember hearing about it at the time and how the congregation were at each others throats. This was in the long list of a number of major problems.
Perhaps I'll save how the Pioneer Elder left his wife for their bible study and avoided disfellowshipping altogether for another time! ;)