NEWS FLASH! A PHOTO of the Rolling Lasagna Creature in!
NEWS FLASH! The Flying Spahghetti Monster EATEN ALIVE!!!! PHOTO!
by theMadJW 26 Replies latest watchtower bible
Have you figured out what the WTS's Truth is yet?
Kinda hard to be credible when you promote what you cannot properly define nor explain..........
(((( Really Madster..... you owe it to yourself to be authentic and stop chasing your tail. Life is too short for this sort of nonsense, the time you waste on this endeavor is better spent being a boys club mentor or helping deliver meals on wheels.......))))
Godspeed to your recovery from denial
NEWS FLASH MADJW intellect hasn't increased a molecule since his last thread topic,
which is strange and ironic being how highly the WTS./JWS are such strong proponents to higher education.
Geez, not even if your link was clickable.
All hail the Rolling Lasagna Creature!
Well, I finally went ahead and visited the site.
When first the website appears on your browser, one cannot underestimate the breathtaking artwork. It's like romper room art for some idiot who's had their brain-cells burnt out by years of acid abuse.
Combine this wonderful artwork with nothing more than internet pictures from Google Images results and a strange fascination with the character from the hit Television series "House", the entire project appears like something you would find on a Macbook computer with some strange preference and wizard that auto-fills your website making it appear truly, well, awful.
Add to that the wonderful music that plays - yep! It's even got music playing when you click on it, no doubt copywrighted but god doesn't care about that - but Jimmy Hendrix does. (I'm sending emails out as soon as I'm done this to Warner Brothers Music about your website to get it shut down, BTW)
Where was I? I digress...
Truly awful pictures of the harlot 'christendom', 'hilarious videos' that are nothing more than you-tube type bullshit, (and of dubious quality), and a membership that boasts a thirteen year old... A THIRTEEN YEAR OLD!
My question for the thirteen year old - could he make a better website? I truly think that my grandmother could.
No need to click on the website now - trust me, it's awful.
I'll keep up on this website with emails that I get / receive from Warner Brothers with regard to the copywright infringement.
Kiss me! Kiss the monkey love.... I'm voracious!!!