Is this WACK JOB for real...what have I been missing...
NEWS FLASH! The Flying Spahghetti Monster EATEN ALIVE!!!! PHOTO!
by theMadJW 26 Replies latest watchtower bible
What did the Flying Spaghetti Monster ever do to you?
My sincere apologies, MadJW. The copywrighted owner of that particular Jimmy Hendrix song is: Broadcast Music Inc.
I trust your papers are in order.
Kiss me! Kiss the monkey!!!
From the official site:
Broadcast Music, Inc. collects license fees from businesses that use music, which it distributes as royalties to songwriters, composers & music publishers.
Kiss me!
And my email sent to BMI:
I just wanted to bring this website to your attention. It appears they are using Jimi Hendrix songs and I was wondering if his estate was receiving a royalty from this. Just FYI. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at any time. My contact information: XXXXX XXXXXXXX X-XXX-XXX-XXXX (North American Number) Have a good day
The lesson here, MADJw,
You really should have kissed the monkey, love.
Aw shamus, ripping off peoples faces again are we? ;-)
seriously, that site is such a piece of crap. MadJW, glad you picked evolution, its one of my favorite subjects to debate. Im just sorry you dont seem to understand the evidence for evolution at all, or has choosen to disregard it because it was to inconvenient for you?
How about looking at the facts for a change (rather than whatever crap you can find on google images) and go to, then try to explain the fossils that has been dug up of the ground.
Depictions of the Flying Spaghetti Monster are sacriligous and those who publish them are deserving of death! The Great noodly appendages are too sacred to be seen. Cover your face woman!
Watch your back if you get cute with any pics of our Pasta Poppa.
Where would MadJW be without Worth1000?
Who is madjw? Did I miss something? I was not here few months...
The last new poster I remember was theexjwsdoesnothavetheirorganization.