Hard question

by dgp 33 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • RosePetal

    Doubtfully Yours; you sound highly smug for a DUB who has been one for not more than five minutes, wait till you have been the next thirty years and see if you feel the same. I find most smug people haven't been through enough in their lives. Have not experienced the unloving treatment and harsh judgements from so called elders and brothers and sisters in the congregation. Through the years I have known JWs look down their noses at others going through difficulties, health, financial, emotional problems, judging them harshly, my family included, until something happens to them or they are in the same boat. Many Elders and their families seem to think they are the only ones with genuine problems, unless it's of a serious disciplinary nature , then it's kept quite if possible.

    Most JWs work hard for years trying to live up to what is expected of them in the org. only to burn out as it is 'never enough'. I think you should go on freeminds and read some of the stories to wake you up to what's going on, I thought that all my experiences where fairly local and was shocked and taken aback when I read the stories of JWs experiences and realised mine just paled into nothing in comparison and these problems were worldwide. Some of the experiences brought me to tears and that old chestnut 'WE ARE ONLY IMPERFECT' does,nt wash any more. It,s a pity the org doesn,t use that maxim to show mercy not judgement!when interacting with others.

    And that's apart from what else I found out about all the cover ups and lies. 'Live and let live' may be a good moto, but once you seek life outside the watchtower, jws won;t except you as exsisting, let alone living!family jws particularly. Lives that have be used and abused would like nothing better than to to 'live and let live' and walk away!forgiveness will be apart of the healing process and most victims will not hold a grudge indefinitely with any individual, however exposing a religion that claims exclusivity but allows or turns a blind eye to injustice, for many becomes a mission to help others trapped in this insidious cult!

  • RosePetal

    sorry about spelling mistake [should be accept you as existing] typing too fast.

  • aSphereisnotaCircle

    They have made their choice to stick with the WT in spite of it's flaws and the cognitive dissonance they have to put up with.

    They are under mind control, they never get to have a choice.


    Brain Dead JW`s are not going to change..

    Don`t waste your life trying to change them..

    ............................ ...OUTLAW

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    Things that helped me tremendously are: Owning up to my own faults and responsibility for my situation in life and praying sincerely, wholeheartedly to Jehovah for his help and guidance, and finally, acting accordingly.

    All things fell into place then, and all is good at this time in my life. Not that I don't face the same challenges as everyone else; but I face them in light of what the word of God instructs Christians to do.

    Try it. It works. May you all be well.


  • shopaholic

    I learned to shut up and just listen, nod and smile because there is no use.

    Yes, you have to learn to let go and let people come to be where they will be in their own time. In the meantime, you enjoy life and nod and smile.

  • Cagefighter

    Lot's of Crown Royal....

  • Scully

    For me, it was never a question of trying to get them out. I knew, while growing up in the JWs, that my parents would have allowed me and any one of my siblings to die for lack of a blood transfusion. I knew that they would kick me to the curb if I got DFd. I knew that they'd shun me if I Married Outside The Truth™. It was more important for them to obey the letter of the law rather than adhere to the spirit of the law. They aren't interested in "fairness" or "justice". They are interested in Waiting On Jehovah™ to come in and be their Almighty Superhero, who avenges the downtrodden and raises the dead and has the power to confer on them the ability to Live Forever In Paradise on Earth™.

    This justifies their apathy and unwillingness to intervene regarding the here-and-now. It justifies their unwillingness to make uncomfortable, difficult choices - because someone else has already done all their thinking for them. All they have to do is OBEY, like a trained dog. This is what they call their Conscience™, even though they put little or none of their own thought into their decision-making.

    They made the choice to piss away their life in a cult. And the funny thing is, when Mr Scully and I left, not ONCE did they try to Encourage™ us to stay, or try to change our minds, or try to find out why we'd want to leave. That tells me that they know in their hearts that we haven't done anything wrong; that they've resigned themselves to their captivity and don't want to rock the boat.

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    I never encourage people that have left, or that are showing signs of weakness in the religion, only because I believe in having free will.

    I just continue to be polite to everyone equally whenever I encounter them in my everyday life doings. Even to the disfellowshipped ones have I never denied a smile or a good morning, as it's just the right way to treat a person.

    Hey, ultimately, we all face the consequences to our actions.

    Be well.


  • discoveringlife

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