Doubtfully Yours; you sound highly smug for a DUB who has been one for not more than five minutes, wait till you have been the next thirty years and see if you feel the same. I find most smug people haven't been through enough in their lives. Have not experienced the unloving treatment and harsh judgements from so called elders and brothers and sisters in the congregation. Through the years I have known JWs look down their noses at others going through difficulties, health, financial, emotional problems, judging them harshly, my family included, until something happens to them or they are in the same boat. Many Elders and their families seem to think they are the only ones with genuine problems, unless it's of a serious disciplinary nature , then it's kept quite if possible.
Most JWs work hard for years trying to live up to what is expected of them in the org. only to burn out as it is 'never enough'. I think you should go on freeminds and read some of the stories to wake you up to what's going on, I thought that all my experiences where fairly local and was shocked and taken aback when I read the stories of JWs experiences and realised mine just paled into nothing in comparison and these problems were worldwide. Some of the experiences brought me to tears and that old chestnut 'WE ARE ONLY IMPERFECT' does,nt wash any more. It,s a pity the org doesn,t use that maxim to show mercy not judgement!when interacting with others.
And that's apart from what else I found out about all the cover ups and lies. 'Live and let live' may be a good moto, but once you seek life outside the watchtower, jws won;t except you as exsisting, let alone living!family jws particularly. Lives that have be used and abused would like nothing better than to to 'live and let live' and walk away!forgiveness will be apart of the healing process and most victims will not hold a grudge indefinitely with any individual, however exposing a religion that claims exclusivity but allows or turns a blind eye to injustice, for many becomes a mission to help others trapped in this insidious cult!