Does anyone else find the whole Jah V Satan universal issue absurd?

by Aussie Oz 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    When i was 'in', that of course was a big thing, and i well knew all the scriptures and resonings behind it.

    Not long ago i saw a U tube video that took me into deepest space from the hymalian mountains and back in again. What struck me was the shear immensity of just our own universe, let alone the rest of the known one. I realized how tiny tiny nothing this little planet is. That we can go so far out that our entire solar system is simply invisible, Too small to show up at all.

    I recenty recieved an email with all the planets in our solar system lined up with each other... Again, we just are too small to be seen in the cosmos.

    The other night i watched SBS program on Saturn. Absolutely mind boggling what is out there. In the very very far background from the satelite probe photo was a teeny weeny dot that was our sun.

    I can no longer entertain the notion that two Invisible presence's are using the happenings on this nothing of a planet as some sort of testing ground for the entire known and unknown universe.

    I find the concept to be arrogant in the highest degree.

    I used to be like, wow, how vast the universe is, "what glory it brings to the creator Jehovah".

    Now i feel sick at the stupidity of the notion.


  • serenitynow!

    YES! Thank you for saying it. I was recently talking about this very thing with a couple JWs. When I was in that whole explanation of why god allows bad things to happen, etc sounded fishy. Of course when you're in you dare not let anyone know that a doctrine sounds stupid.

  • JimmyPage

    Before I ever even came to this board I remember thinking about God and Satan like two little kids: "You two need to work this out between yourselves. Don't drag me into it. It's got nothing to do with me." Such a relief to no longer be burdened by this doctrine!

  • metatron

    Yup, it's stupid.

    In this doctrine, Satan could easily defeat Jehovah by going on strike. Gog of Magog never happens. Prophecy fails. Everybody stops persecuting Jehovah's Witnesses.


  • agonus

    Exactly, JP. Yahweh and Satan can go blow each other up on an uninhabited planet. Life is hard enough the way it is, so just leave us the hell out of it, you know?

  • serenitynow!

    And another thing was, exactly how long would it take to prove humans are f-ing things up down here? That doesn't sound like a god who cares about anybody.

  • agonus

    Yahweh: "No, Son, not yet. We cannot intervene..."

    Jesus: "But, DAAAD! It's been 6,000 years now!"

    Yahweh: "Oh, Christ, be patient, will you? Just a few more 'generations'..."

    Jesus: "Oh, oh... SHIT! Dammit, dad, they just blew themselves up in a nuclear war! I TOLD you this would happen! You NEVER listen to me!"

    Yahweh: "Oh, hush, lad. I'll make you another one. Hey, SATAN!"

    Satan: "WHAT?! I told you, stop blaming this on me! Jesus said he was gonna fix it!"

    Yahweh: "Oh, quit your bitching. Get your ass down there and make some more toys for your brother. Plenty of dirt down there now..."

    Satan: (grumbles, puts down coffee and newspaper) "All right, all right! But dammit, Jesus, the next time you go down there to clean things up, do us all a favor and DON'T GET YOUR ASS CRUCIFIED!"

    Jesus: "Yeah, well, this time don't feed them that damned rotten fruit and maybe they won't keep crapping their cage!"

  • doofdaddy


    (God) I've got more power than you, so there!!

    (Satan) No way! I got the whole team to join me, so double there!!

    (God) Mwwwaaahh! I'm taking my bat and ball and NOONE can play!!! You'll see Satan, the rest of the team will want to play with me, you just wait...

    Six thousand years later....

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    LOL! priceless!

    yes, i came to the conclusion 'leave us the hell out of your squable.'

    I could never understand why jehovah did not simply kill off adam and eve, any desenting angels etc and start again. Kill em all off for gods sake and start with a whole new batch... you mess with me and lookout! Its not like he is not prepared to kill 7 billion humans an unknown demon angels anyway.


  • NewYork44M

    There is nothing more compelling than a conspiracy theory. This is the greatest conspiracy theory every and will fascinate mankind for many years to come.

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