Does anyone else find the whole Jah V Satan universal issue absurd?

by Aussie Oz 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • tec

    I could never understand why jehovah did not simply kill off adam and eve, any desenting angels etc and start again.

    'Cause that's what we would do if our children messed up?

    Its not like he is not prepared to kill 7 billion humans an unknown demon angels anyway.



  • ziddina

    I find it very "Zarathustrian"... Zid

  • mentallyfree31

    Life is so much simpler WITHOUT all these invisible people running around in my imagination.


  • Leolaia

    I think this is the photo you were talking about:

    That tiny speck on the left between the bright inner rings and the first fainter outer ring is the Earth.

  • tec

    Awesome picture!

    And yes, I agree that this is very humbling.


  • steve2

    The more I think about, the more I realise that JWs are just the merest tip of the idiotic religious iceberg and that "below" is an ocean crammed full of idiotic belief systems, of which dear-old Christianity is but one of many,many, many belief systems that are composed of the most fanciful and far-fetched conspiracy stories.

    Any person who can live comfortably with the blatant, blood-lusting genocide of the Old Testament (i.e., Hebrew Scriptures) deserves to worship the monster they call "Jehovah God".

  • Finally-Free

    And out of all this vastness they alone have Jehovah's approval.

    It's really not much different than the old church belief that the earth was the center of the universe.


  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    Thats the picture.

    i could understand the greeks thinking the gods were up above the clouds etc and mankind thinking almighty god and satan are up there in the clouds, even the bible students thinking his throne was in the palaidies out of ignorance of the times

    But NOW? We have all the satelites and probes, space trips and what not that we should be able to move on from the ancient nonsensical notions of old.


  • Sapphy

    The whole concept of God and Satan conducting an 6,000 year + experiment with humans over 'God's right to rule' is not found in the Bible anyway. The nearest thing to it is the Book of Job which is about the integrity of a single man, not God's sovereignty.

  • designs

    'When we poke them with a stick they go Ouch!'

    Please repeat for all eternity and you have Theology pretty much summed up..............

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