They might do such a thing, Scully, if they actually thought about life in a rational way. Unfortunately for many, they are heavily influenced by the mind control tactics of the Watchtower Society, who tell them that the new light means Armageddon is CLOSER THAN EVER and they believe it. They believe what they are told and are conditioned to believe, facts and logic be damned.
"This Generation" New Light:" A Death Sentence For 40-50-Something JWs
by Room 215 15 Replies latest social current
I just saw new Watchtowers from 2009 and 2010 where the Governing Body is still ordering all JW's to STOP associating with any non-JW friends or schoolmates or co-workers, and they are still telling JW's that they should NOT go to College.
I just saw new Watchtowers from 2009 and 2010 where the Governing Body is still ordering all JW's to STOP associating with any non-JW friends or schoolmates or co-workers, and they are still telling JW's that they should NOT go to College.
Cult strategy to maintain their mental control over people so they can gain financial support.
Its a power and money game in its simplest form.
Satan uses critical thinking and evaluation, so beware of these personal attributes.
Where would the WTS be without fear and ignorance = No where
my husband graduated HS in 1969 and pioneered, which was pretty much the only option. The Vietnam war was on, so for young men it was either pioneer or go to prison. Going to college was out of the question for good dubs. We raised 2 kids, but life was definately a struggle at times. My son graduated HS in 2000 and I made damn sure he went to college.
I'm not talking about the WTS encouraging young people to go to school, etc. I'm thinking of the elderly folks who pissed their lives away Waiting On Jehovah™ - now that the WTS is Suggesting™ that they very well may die before the end of This System Of Things™, these folks - in the throes of their rather rude Awake!ning - may realize that (a) they've been screwed over quite royally and (b) it wasn't in their best interests to put all their eggs in one basket, and will likely pass that wisdom along to their kids and grandkids.
I became a witness in 1973, caught up in the pre '75 hype. My first congregation had a lot of people about my age, it was one of the things that pulled me in. I am now 59, I've been out since 1988 (officially DA'd in '89). I sometimes wonder what goes through the minds of some of my old friends as they're trying to go to sleep at night. Back then none of us would have given a second's thought to the notion that we'd still be in "this system" in 2010.
It is sad, really. I liked some of those people and many of them are entirely unprepared to be where they are.