I am on a second shift this weekend - long story - unusual for me. I usually work days and so rarely get a chance to go to breakfast with my wife - especially alone, since we raise our grandkids. Today was an exception. I got up around 1000 - don't go to work until 1430. The grandkids are off visiting with friends for the weekend. So we head out for a bit of brunch.
You guessed it - as we talked my wife said that she thought 'Jim' - an arrogant asshole elder that I always hated - might be sitting in the booth behind me. He was. Then in walked a couple of 'car-groups' from Saturday selling. We were soon surrounded by arrogant Jw's who would not speak to us of course - in fact acted as if we weren't there!
Kind of ruined my morning. They were sitting all around us, all people we have known since some of them were in diapers, and no one so much as nodded in our direction. We had to get up and leave. I hate assholes - they smell up breakfast every time.