They may not knock - but they eat!

by AK - Jeff 13 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Finally-Free

    Every time you get up and leave such a situation you reinforce the power they have over you; and they do have power over you. That is evidenced by your leaving.

    Stand your ground. It may be hard initially, but soon you'll find them amusing in a pathetic sort of way.

    You're a free man in a free country sitting in a public place. If anyone should have to leave it's the stupid cultists. Several times when I was in my old neighbourhood I'd be in a restaurant, coffee shop, or other store. When a JW who knows me walks in they see me, turn, and leave. If they see me on the street they cross to the other side. They do that in spite of my never having caused a scene. They just know I won't put up with their shit, and they won't push their luck.

    Sometimes they just need to be taught their proper place, and that is best done by standing your ground. You don't need to speak to them. They're not worthy of that anyway.


  • Mary
    as we talked my wife said that she thought 'Jim' - an arrogant asshole elder that I always hated - might be sitting in the booth behind me. He was. Then in walked a couple of 'car-groups' from Saturday selling. We were soon surrounded by arrogant Jw's who would not speak to us of course - in fact acted as if we weren't there!

    I had just the opposite problem this morning Jeff.......went to a Specialty store to get a few items that I can't get in the regular grocery store and I hadn't paid attention to the time. It was 11:10am so all of Jehovah's Chosen Ones were piling in, filling their faces and slurping back the coffee. I tried to get by them without them seeing me but one of them did and it was "Hi Mary! How are you?! Do you have time for a coffee?!"

    I spoke to a few of them and then made my escape!!!!

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I should clarify to those who assumed that I allowed them to have the power by my exit.

    I did not state it well in the initial post - we finished our breakfast, chatted a while, and THEN left. We did not just get up and leave at the moment they arrived.

    I have been there before, tried the anti-witness thing - and to be honest, I am past that effort to embarrass them most of the time nowaday. I don't like being in the midst of rude mean-asses. We could have stayed and tried to embarrass them. What's the point? I would have come off the 'bad guy' likely reinforcing my 'apostate' status in their minds, and making them more determined than ever that they are right.

    It still hurts a little - but not a whole damned lot these days. I just wasn't in the game playing mood. It took a nice morning and made it not so nice.


  • steve2

    It's hard when that happens.

    In the 1980s, I remember feeling surrounded by JWs as I delivered mail. They were everywhere. Their ability to treat me as invisible was arrogance personified.

    Here's something to think about:

    Nowadays we are more likely to be surrounded by JWs in cafes and coffee houses than in their usual "territory" (house to house). The steam of arrogance may still rise when they enter the room, but the "steam" of zeal for the house to house work has certainly fizzled in recent years. The newer breed of door-knockers is softer compared to the hard, disciplined older breed.

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