what was the drama about?
Day 2 of the Convention is over ... what's missing?
by wannabefree 30 Replies latest jw experiences
Will Power
wannabe - good point:
I didn't realize it so much in the past, but it seems like Jehovah's Witnesses are trying to accomplish what the nation of Israel couldn't, follow laws. It seems so obvious now. Didn't Jesus free us from that?
The drama was a ficticious account of the lives of some who fled Jerusalem after the Roman seige in 66. I thought it was nicely done, but of course at the place my mind is at the moment, I could see the undertone of being patient and waiting and not justifying going back to the world (as illustrated by Jerusalem) just because the destruction wasn't as sudden as some thought it would be (and of course the talk to follow dealt with the new generation "clarification".
It demonstrated some fleeing with only the clothes on their backs and others loaded down with as many household items they could fit on a wagon.
As time goes by, those who were reluctant to leave in the first place start dwelling more and more on what they are missing out on in Jerusalem, justifying to themselves and trying to get other to go along with their reasoning that either Jehovah changed his mind (like he did with Ninevah) or that the end is still a long way off ... eventully some head back and the implication is they lose their lives.
You did record it? Will you upload it somewhere? Or, what with that....?
drew sagan
The past few books the Watchtower Society has published on prophetic bible books have been quite interesting. They essentially extract moral lessons from these works that can be applied to the experiences of people coping with modernity. The end result is somewhat comical. Thus the advice about remaining single like Jeremiah.
The end result is a strange mismatch of ideas, in which the bible simply becomes a tool through which the organization channels its mundane recommendations for morality. This is a significant change from where the Witnesses were throughout most of the 20th century. A book such as this would probably have been seen as pointless by the Rutherford/Franz types.
Reading Jeremiah for the purpose of extracting advice on relationships? Where is this organization headed?
"Reading Jeremiah for the purpose of extracting advice on relationships? Where is this organization headed?..."
Even higher levels of control, control, control...
sweet pea
WBF - can you elaborate on what they were saying about how to treat disfellowshipped family members and others that had left?
sweet pea: loyalty to Jehovah, have nothing to do with them ... I noticed more experiences pepperd throughout the three days than usual (again, possibly just because of my current situation) about parents, spouses, children, friends, leaving Jehovah and how difficult it is for the ones remaining in the "truth" but how blessed they are by being loyal to Jehovah and remaining close to Him.
Titus: I did not do any video recording ... and unfortunately I had a mechanical failure during 2 parts, the drama and another main talk ... I plan on getting them from a friend that also recorded.
Ohhhh ... I finally found the edit thing ... duh
anyone get a rip of the new DVD yet?