Gromit, yah, i got caught up when i wrote it and regretted it half an hour after i wrote it. didnt want to edit it though because it didnt seem honest.
The thing that got me worked up was that i wanted to have a factual discussion. Thats why i made the thought experiment - its more fun to actually produce something than just copy-paste some boilerplate critisism from wikipedia or a blog (i hate it when others do that).
I wrote scared because of certain remarks Metatron made that i felt was an attempt to distract the conversation. First this reply:
d) Something else.
You do 28 years worth of statistical trials and have it ignored. You could report various results with qualifications explained in regard to individual problems. Over more than 2 decades, such variances might be swallowed up in statistical noise. NOT THAT IT MATTERS, ANYWAY.
"it will be definite proof one way or the other". No, it won't. It will be ignored and forgotten in a few years.
Well, Metatron surely does not choose the scientific concensur per default, and i think its unfair to assume i do so as well. I would like to believe i choose what i see the most evidence for. So thats it. It DOES matter, at least to me, and its ME who he is debating. Asserting i wont be moved by the evidence at all, while at the same time not wanting to discuss the real difficulties, well it annoyed me.
Then it gets worse. In the context of cold fusion (and apparently a critisism that also apply to Psi research):
Do we ruin our oceans, bankrupt our national economies and empower Mid East terrorists because a virtual priesthood of 'science' refuses to accept evidence that it doesn't like? After 20 years? Ignoring a potentially endless energy source?
Ok, it isn't ESP ............. but it illustrates the danger I believe we collectively face when 'religious' behavior takes control of what should be science.
It does not get more personal than that i think. I consider myself a researcher, i have a topic i do research in for my thesis and i take some pride in the work i do, so that critisism apply to me and all the guys down the hall.
A priesthood, WTF? Does he mean we go to church and have secret meetings?
And what is up with accusing scientists from everything from bankrupting our national economy, empowering terrorists and ruin oceans out of some uknown motive? If i wrote i felt all religious people or all Psi-researchers had such a vile and evil motive, i think that would raise some eyebrows! One does speculate what he is going to do about it - is he just going to sit by and idle watch them ruin the earth or rebel and kill these evil people? I think the most obvious conclusion is that he does not really believe in the existence of a priesthood of scientists who want to ruin the earth for no obvious reasons, which make the comment all the more puzzling.
The next post continue down the original path:
Uh, as I said, you can report all these details and let the reader decide. It doesn't matter anyway because some unknown bias will always be suspected and the results ignored, even if you do. Extraordinary means 30, 40, 50, 100 years of results under conditions no one will ever fund.
Again, i want to have a sober debate on psi research. i do that because i believe metatron to is making up his mind based on facts and not what he want to be true. When i see something like the above, i think he is making a judgement regarding what i believe is sufficient evidence that is completely unwanted for.
Back to cold fusion and the ad-hominem that made me loose my temper:
I don't think Cold Fusion critics ever own up to what their endless skepticism suggests: that real science is nearly impossible because scientists all over the world are incompetent or frauds after 20 years of various replications.
Metatron is again accusing scientists all over the world of being incompetent and frauds.
So yah, i am sorry that i said metatron was scared. it is to hars a word. However, i think that when he repeatly shy away from opening the technical discussion the subject really require (and in my oppinion deserve!) to understand it, and instead draw a (in my oppinion) strained parallel to cold fusion, accuse scientists in general of wanting to ruin the world, support terrorism, etc., accuse scientists of being part of a sect of sorts, and repeatly stating evidence does not matter - well, it got on my nerves.