May he go with peace, and a clear conscience.
Ray Franz has had a stroke
by coffee_black 211 Replies latest jw friends
He's a great warrior.
Black Sheep
My heart goes out to Ray and Cynthia.
CoC helped me greatly too.
This was eye opening to me. I knew the "name" but didn't have a connection and why you were concerned. When I got out of the Borg it was just before Franz left. Last I knew he was still part of the problem.
until today
His condition does not sound very promising but there is still reason to hope and pray that he can recover.
It's encouraging to see the impact he has had on people since leaving the borg.
I heard his name a lot when I was a kid, I'd imagine my dad had met the guy back in the 60's or 70's.
I've had my reasons for being away for several months but saw this sad news and just felt moved to post one more time. Ray's books helped me make sense of my own doubts and fears more than ten years ago. Like so many of you I owe him a very sincere "Thank You".
I hope he pulls through but if not, he will always have a place in the minds and hearts of so many grateful men and women. He has made a better name for himself than his own modesty will probably allow him to admit. Good to hear that Cynthia is being supported at this terrible time.
Ray was a real man, he will never be forgotten.
Mad Sweeney
upnorth, to clarify in case you are out of the "Franz" loop. Ray Franz is WT President Fred Franz's nephew and also a former GB member.
Most well known for being the highest ranking JW to be purged from Bethel in 1980 and subsequently writing two EXCELLENT BOOKS THAT ACTUALLY HELP PEOPLE: "Crisis of Conscience" and "In Search of Christian Freedom."
Fred Franz died in the early 1990s. Ray Franz, age 88, apparently suffered brain death yesterday and is being kept alive via respirator if the posts in this thread are accurate.
Raymond Franz is resting in his hospital bed, it's his wife who suffers now. If he is on a respirator then at some point hard decisions may have to be made and his wife must make them.
Cynthia, read the Bible to him. It will comfort you. And consider the advice your good friends with you today at the hospital are giving you.
Hold on to God he will sustain you today and everyday.
Remember death is not the end but rather a beginning.
You are loved, dear sister.
I heard of Ray years ago but avoided his book CoC as vile apostate propoganda from a wicked evil slave as I was taught, I am so sorry for ever having made such a judgment about a truly great man that I never even knew. Now I own both books and am currently reading CoC and am so thankful for the difficult choices he has made that has been a help to so many.
Thank you Ray. Thank you Cynthia.
You are in my prayers.
Sincerely from another soul that you have touched in a profoundly positive way.
Thanks ---Mad Sweeney---
Will Power
Mr. Franz surely is one of a kind. A brave and humble human being.
His books were the main source of the truth about the Truthâ„¢ that helped me through a very dark time in my life.
His work will live on forever.
my kindest heartfelt regards