I'm so sorry to hear this
Ray Franz has had a stroke
by coffee_black 211 Replies latest jw friends
I remember reading Ray's books far into the night back in 1999. I couldn't believe the clarity and the insight of that man, and I've always wanted to meet him. Talked to him on the phone twice, the last time was last September. Yes, we also have much to thank him for and we too pray for him and his wife.
I am so sorry to learn of Ray's recent stroke! I had already walked away from the WTS when someone sent me his books.....and everything I read in them only solidified my decision to leave PLUS filled me in on so many things I did not know about this evil cult. May he be at peace no matter what the outcome, and may the peace of Christ be with both Ray and Cynthia.
Thinking of Ray and his wife.......sending strength and love...........Ray did not view himself as a hero or someone who should be on a pedastal, he merely stood up for what he thought was right. What a wonderful example to everyone, I hope he realizes in some small way how much he has helped so many of us to stand up for what we know is right as well. His books gave me the strength through knowlege to stand up against the organization, that harmed so many of us including Ray, but he used it as a force for good. May we all take that lesson to heart and continue what he started.
Scarred for life
Ray's books have been life-changing for many, many people. I always wanted to meet him also. I've known his name for many years. I remember when he was disfellowshipped. I heard it from a cousin of mine that had been at Bethel. My cousin's world was shattered when that happened. And then Ray wrote the books. A truly, truly courageous man. Thank you Ray Franz. Prayers for Cynthia.
Scarred for life
Yes, what Ray started must be continued. He took the pain that he had suffered as a JW and used it as a force for good. We must all continue in that path.
Hiding Questioner
Recently my wife discovered that I had secretly purchased "In Search of Christian Freedom" (she was very upset). Call me a wimp but, to keep peace, I had to return it to Barnes and Noble. Little does she know I managed to read half the book before I returned it and she, to this day, does not know I have already read CofC. I can't believe I live with someone who is so brainwashed as to threaten me for looking at one of Ray's books. It just shows the level of mind control we all must deal with in one way or another.
Thank you Ray for opening my eyes to over 40 years of smoke and mirrors to see the real truth. I just hope that your books will continue to strike fear in the heart (if it had a heart) of the WBTS.
Out at Last!
Sad news, Ray was one courageous yet humble man. Everyone who read his books could easily see that. Peace and best wishes to Ray & Cynthia.