Earlier the example was given of asking a random grouping of Christians how JESUS feels about homosexuals. Your response is that "most would agree that it is wrong". I completely agree.
However, "most" in no cases equals "all". I talk with a gay Catholic on another forum who is a member of a gay-friendly parish, who sees nothing wrong with homosexuality as it is an immutable state of being and he knows that Jesus doesn't have a problem with it either. He disagrees with MOST Christians. On such a simple and IMPORTANT question, there should be harmony among people who claim to know Christ intimately. There isn't in this case, and in many others - I trust we can agree on that and not get hung up on minutiae or specifics of THIS particular example, which will just muddy the water. I only gave the example so that you would know where I was coming from, not so it could be overanalyzed and brushed aside.
I understand, and I agree with your friend, I don't think that Jesus has a problem with it, but I don't KNOW if he does or doesn't.
I truly never asked.
Christians tend to view it as a sin ie: wrong, because that is what it is viewed like in the OT laws written by the scribes, itis NOT one of the 10 commandments and again, Jesus is silent on the matter in regards to what he said and was written. Paul mentions it, but, as were are discussing on another thread, there is a history there and it was simply his opinion.
I think the problem is when opinion becomes doctrine and then doctrine must be defended, though I have no idea why, but that is another thread.
Should their be harmony between all christians in regards to this question, the question of wither homosexuality is a sin?
I don't know, but I think that there should be a consensus not to JUDGE anyone that is and that it shoudl be their personal business between them and God.
The discord amongst believers about such simple questions can't be justified or transformed into virtue. It's a flaw in the faith, and someone must be lying when they claim to know Jesus.
It is not a simple question though, is it?
Some people are born Gay, some choose to be homosexual or bisexual ( like the cultures that condone it -spartans for one), the debate of it being natural or it being genetic is stil going too, so it is hardly simple.
But I agree that when two people that claim to know Jesus say the opposite thing, that looks like someone is not "in the know", of course KNOWING doesn't equal SPEAKING for, we have to remember that.
I think that, like Paul, even those that get touched by Jesus on a personal level, still have certain preconceived notions that are very hard to get rid of.