Paragraph 13 I found to be especially repulsive, and irresponsible. So this "Cherie" was facing peer pressure to accept a full scholarship to persue higher education. When you think about peer pressure, you think underage drinking, sexual activity, drug abuse, joining a gang, cutting class, dropping out, and a host of other problems young people face. But, peer pressure to attain an education? She stated, "Knowing that I made a decision that pleases Jehovah makes me happy." So I'm left to think that attaining a degree is sinful, or immoral. My father who is a hardcore old school dub, confided in me, and said, "I bet that MEPS system they brag about wasn't produced by people who declined higher education." I had to laugh.
When at the meeting today, I scanned the audience, and we have a handful of college students, and those with degrees in attendance including a couple Ministerial Servants and an Elder. This paragraph was disrespectful to them, particulary those young ones in college. Their service to this organization is tainted according to this paragraph because they chose to go to college instead of pioneering. Its ridiculous and offensive. Articles such as this, push people away from this organization, as it should. I almost wonder at times, if there's apostates on the writing department who purposely write this stuff with an agenda to help young people and thinking adults see how ludicrous this organization's stance on education is.
One thing that was noticeably absent from this article, was encouragement to apply for Bethel. I remember when I was teen, I was pressured to consider going to Bethel. Thankfully my parents weren't deluded enough to see Bethel for what it is. My dad stated to me regarding this lesson, "what happens to all the young people who spent their years at Bethel, only to be laid off? Then those brothers in New York made it seem like a good thing, saying they're going to various congregations to help out. Help out with what??!?!" I don't know which way this organization is headed, too many mixed signals. But I do know where its been, and its chewed up and vomited many people's lives. They've never once apologized for how their handling of situations have ruined people. While typing this I feel such a fury in my blood. All the years I've wasted in my life for some old men in New York whom I've never met, who don't give a rat's a$$ about me. If the day ever comes, that I reach 60 and this sytem of things still exists, I'm going to take a trip to NYC, and with the last bit of strength I have, I'm going to burn as much as the WTS buildings down as I can. I put that on my last name.