Why should I attend the meetings again?
by asilentone 27 Replies latest jw friends
aligot ripounsous
If your decision has been to leave altogether, better not to attend at all. To this day I've not attended for a whole year (save memorial, as a visitor, so as not to leave wifey feel sad and abandoned) and this clear cut situation has brought me a good mental condition and inner peace. I told a visiting elder about this new satisfying feeling of freedom and, oddly, he looked as if he related and understood very well what I meant.
"and this clear cut situation has brought me a good mental condition and inner peace. I told a visiting elder about this new satisfying feeling of freedom and, oddly, he looked as if he related and understood very well what I meant."
very well put...I'm happier now than I've been in my whole life. A huge burden has been lifted and the stress is gone. JW's want you to believe your life will go downhill when you leave them and you'll end up a basket case. That's how important they think they are. You couldn't possibly enjoy life or function without them. I found out rather fast that quite the opposite is true. Life is good and I believe I'm much happier than the miserable, negative, doomsday preaching JW's!
Mad Sweeney
So that you can go into the library, open the 1984 WT Bound Volume to the cover of May 15, and leave it on the table for any to see.
Or to check out the hotties in their summer sundresses.
Your choice.