If Losch gets more power - How long before NFL Football is banned?

by lepermessiah 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    Loesch would spend the whole morning worship talking about the woes of american football and than we would get together at lunch for our lil football tournies (bindry 3-5 against the press goons ;-)

  • notverylikely

    what woes are there in football?

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    Losch just hates football!

    from the get once he was appointed GB he went on a mad crusade against football. He would say how its violent and destructive, but his actions and mindset against it just went above and beyond beserk into bizarre.

  • notverylikely

    Losch just hates football!

    Losch can suck my balls.

  • Gregor

    The Barry Sotero organization (AKA, The Feds) will be taking over 3 or 4 NFL franschises (to be announced) this season due to their poor win/loss records of late. All receipts from TV broadcasts, franchise logo t-shirts and tickets will be directed into Federal coffers and redistributed to the Players Union pension fund so that no player will feel any effects of their personal performance lapses. At well over 6 ft and 300 lbs. they are considered too big to fail.

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