I am so glad to read this. Because coffee has recently started doing the same thing to my heart. It also irritates my bladder very badly. Just this week I stopped making any coffee. My husband makes it on the weekends. I had one cup yesterday. Too much. I had about 1/2 cup today. That's all I can tolerate. I've drunk coffee for 32 years. But not anymore.
Too Much Coffee
by daniel-p 42 Replies latest social physical
I am so glad to read this. Because coffee has recently started doing the same thing to my heart. It also irritates my bladder very badly. Just this week I stopped making any coffee. My husband makes it on the weekends. I had one cup yesterday. Too much. I had about 1/2 cup today. That's all I can tolerate. I've drunk coffee for 32 years. But not anymore.
When I was working nights, I could drink coffee all night. It's just in the last couple of years that I have become so sensitive to caffiene. I think it is because I'm postmenopausal.
4- Stress hormones are elevated by caffeine consumption
levels of stress hormones like adrenaline, cortisol, and norepinephrine
are elevated by caffeine. These hormones cause an increase in the heart
rate along with blood pressure, which results in a sense of “panic
response”. Oxygen to the extremities and the brain is reduced, and
there is a suppression of the immune system.The
objective of this “panic response” normally is to provide a temporary
boost of energy during an emergency when there is a necessity of
fighting or fleeing. However, with the sedentary lifestyle of today,
the artificial elevation of stress hormones due to consuming coffee has
negative effects on women’s health, especially in post-menopausal women.http://www.nowpublic.com/health/5-ways-caffeine-makes-menopause-worse
One thing thats worth noting is the trend now days is for stronger coffee, companies like Starbucks and all the others that
have followed in the tracts promote coffee that is quite strong, as a result creating a coffee brew that has a higher lever of
caffeine in its content.
I'm not a fan of their coffees that you purchase off the Tap but I do use their Breakfast Blend beans for my own brewer which
is a light medium roast. Peoples sensitivity to coffee varies greatly so the consumption of this beverage
should be used carefully.
Getting going in the morning I need coffee or two but usually never have for the rest of the day.