You can believe that but I was in perfect attendance today....
Would you like me to publish our coming PT schedule?
We start June's KM this week
Do you have the "Come Be My Follower" publication?
Song 115
Congregation Bible Study:
cf chap.6 1-9
Theocratic Ministry School:
Bible reading: 2 Samuel 22-24
No.1: 2SamueI22:1-20
No.2: How Was the Law a Tutor Leading
to Christ? (Gal. 3:24)
No.3: How Should We Feel About Any Images
That We May Formerly Have Venerated?
(rs p. 1861[3-5)
Service Meeting:
Song 101
5 min: Announcements.
10 min: What Did We Accomplish? Audience
discussion. Commend the congregation
for its activity during the Memorial season,
and outline what was accomplished.
Invite audience to relate experiences enjoyed
while auxiliary pioneering.
10 min: Good Teaching Provides Application.
Talk based on the Ministry School
book, page 60.
10 min: "Is Your Eye Simple?" Question and-
answer discussion.
Song 7
Is Your Eye Simple?
1 What our eyes focu on influence our action . How appropriate are Je us' word : "If, then, your ye i simple, your whole body will be bright"! (Matt. 6:22) When our eye is spiritually "simple," it i focused on a single purpose-the doing of God's will. We put the Kingdom first and are not distracted by unnecessary material things or activitie that interfere with the ministry.
1. What does it mean to have a I simple eye'?
2 Need for Self-Examination: Our perception can be distorted by what the advertising media tell us we need or buy what
other have. Before pursuing an endeavor or a purchase that will require an investment of considerable time, money, or energy, it would be good to "calculate the expense" by asking ourselve , 'Will this improve my service to Jehovah or hinder it?' (Luke 14:28; Phil. 1:9-11) It is also wise to consider periodically how we could further simplify our life so as to do more in the ministry.-2 Cor. 13:5; Eph. 5:10.
2. What could distort our view, but what will help us ?
3 When one sister began regular pioneering, she chose to keep her full-time job although part-time employment would have provided sufficient funds to care for her needs. She eventually concluded:" No one can slave for two masters. I had to sacrifice my wants to take care of my needs. I realized that material things just get old and I would wear myself out trying to get them." Her circumstances permitted her to make adjustment to simplify her life and to change employment, allowing her to continue in the pioneer ministry.
3. What do we learn from one sister who made adjustments to simplify her life?
4 The urgency of our time makes it even more important that we maintain a simple eye. Every day that passses bring us one day closer to the end of this system of things and the start of God's new world (l Cor. 7:29, 31) By focusing on the preaching work, we can save both ourselve and those who listen to us .-1 Tim. 4: 16.
4. Why is it urgent that we maintain a simple eye now?
....... how many 'apostates' do you personally know encouraging you to return?......
Quit call me names! It is reproachful....... you have attacked practically everyone who has ever posted to you!
I understand something is wrong in your life but quit taking it out on everybody on this board!
Grow up Alice.....
People here are willing to be your friends even now....... where the hell has your KH friends been in your life?
Did you treat them as shamefully? What kind of role model are you being to your child!
Sure I am getting 'emotional, and defensive' and I will regret it later but my goodness Alice I am a person too....
Golden rule Alice....practice it daily!