To add some humor into this thread, at my expense......I thought AIW was comparing Nazi agitprop to the the WBTS tactics....which totally makes sense!
Here is a quote from AIW: " the focal point of this discussion is propaganda tools in its various forms (pamphlets, broadsheets, books, etc) for the purpose of demonizing or defaming the character of an organization or class of people"
If that doesn't sum up the WBTS I don't know what else does other than mostly Germans ran their KH's during the 50's 60's and 70's. Probably most of the GB during that time period also.
One other note if anyone is still reading this which you might find interesting. My son is dating a German girl and gave him as a gift.... one of the child hood books for all Germans that has been in circulation for over 100 years.....still famous today for children in their country.
It was frightening...It is a book about manners showing what happens when you don't behave. There were many horrible ugly scenes, but the most shocking was people being shoved into ovens in a Jewish bakery. The ovens looked just like Hitlers. It makes you wonder where Hitler might have come up with his ideas.
Just like the Paradise book many of us grew up with.....bad people burning and falling into huge cracks in the earth with cars buildings and if I remember correctly a few pets. Propaganda at its best fed to children.