Shocking WT Statement on RAPE! Disgusting!

by mentallyfree31 49 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Mythbuster
    If the rapist was unrepentant, he was to be put to death as were all evildoers in ancient Israel. You can look up repentance in the Insight on the Scriptures. Repentance paved the way for civilized order in ancient Israel. This is difficult to fathom if you're an atheist, but ancient Israel was a completely different world than contemporary society or modern day Christianity. If there is a repentant rapist in the congregation, this article you quoted from outlines some viewpoints so he can function in the congregation without being ostracized. It's likely that a rape victim, regardless of what's published in this Awake! article could not attend the same congregation as a rapist. A rapist released from prison may participate in different aspects of society, but it's up to any given person to decide how they should relate to them.

    Ah, the true religion, gotta love it!

  • sooner7nc

    As to showing respect for the potential rapist, it is not that he deserves it, but treating him civilly might help to elicit a considerate response and serve as a means for the potential victim to get out of a very dangerous situation.—ED.

    If I could have one wish right now it would be to be able to reanimate Carl Pazram the notorious serial killer who claimed to have sodomized over 1000 men and boys and lock him up with the GB during their weekly meeting and see if he responded to their civillity.

    Damn, i need to put the beer down

  • thetrueone

    If a man happens to meet a virgin who is not pledged to be married and rapes her and they are discovered, he shall pay the girl’s father fifty shekels of silver. He must marry the girl, for he has violated her. He can never divorce her as long as he lives. Deuteronomy 22:28

    Yes is that the most proper and most moral way to treat instantness of violent rape against woman, thank you Brother Alice

    for bring that Scripture to attention. We would be wise to follow this scriptural guidance from the ancient 2000 year old civilization of the Israelites.

    Doesn't the Taliban in Afghanistan have this same laws regarding matters of rape ?

    I don't understand why mankind doesn't refer to and follow the guidance in the bible.


    "If a man happens to meet a virgin who is not pledged to be married and rapes her and they are discovered, he shall pay the girl’s father fifty shekels of silver. He must marry the girl, for he has violated her. He can never divorce her as long as he lives. Deuteronomy 22:28

    Yes is that the most proper and most moral way to treat instantness of violent rape against woman, thank you Brother Alice

    for bring that Scripture to attention. We would be wise to follow this scriptural guidance from the ancient 2000 year old civilization of the Israelites.

    Doesn't the Taliban in Afghanistan have this same laws regarding matters of rape ?

    I don't understand why mankind doesn't refer to and follow the guidance in the bible."

    No this is NOT the most proper and most moral way to treat instances of violent rape against woman Charlie Brown. Times have changed.

  • notverylikely

    No this is NOT the most proper and most moral way to treat instances of violent rape against woman Charlie Brown. Times have changed.

    Just like the Witnesses beliefs. They are as constant as the Northern Star *

    *Provided the Northern Star completely changed into the Southern, Eastern, Western or Invisibly returned star every 5 - 10 years and then back into the Northern Star.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Polaris is noo lite as the Ancient Egyptians had old lite back then.

  • HintOfLime

    Times have changed.

    What you are trying to avoid saying is: Human morals have improved.

    Without any guidance from God or the bible, human society has realized:

    • That slavery is wrong.
    • That woman are not property, and should be treated as equals.
    • That adults having sex with minors is abhorrent.
    • That racism is wrong. (The OT was very racist, the NT slightly better..)

    Granted, there are still individuals who still grapple with or reject these concepts - But what will we realize tomorrow? What will be obvious and accepted by the majority tomorrow that we all still grapple with today? Where will the line finally be set regarding homosexuality? Abortion? Torture? Our society has progressed to the point that we are drawing moral lines over the appropriate treatment of animals... while the OT spent chapters dealing on how best to kill them for God's pleasure.

    The WT claims that God's standards are set high and are constant, while society's standards plummet - but the reality contrdicts that. Compared to God's nation of Israel we have it great. We don't worry that a random accusation will end with us being stoned to death in the streets (stoning is a slow and deliberately painful death - a form of torture). We still have a long way to go - but thanks to the enlightenment, modern philosophies, open debate, and modern science - we are progressing forward.

    God's standards in the Old Testament fall well short of the standards we've set for ourselves, and already the New Testament is showing it's age and inadequacies as a moral guide as well. So yes - we can look at what was written in the OT and say it is 'disgusting'. It falls well short of what we - through our suffering - have determined "good moral guidance' to be. And next week, the same will be said of the NT.

    - Lime

  • cantleave

    Very disturbing. Shows how dangerous this cult is to both ones physical and mental well being.

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz


    just confirms again why i no longer have any regard for 'god' or any religion for that matter that sprang from Abraham.

    crazy crazy crazy evil


  • SirNose586
    "treat him understandingly", "he's only human" - Awake: February 22, 1984 p. 24
    Non-believers ("apostates"):
    "True Christians ... "feel a loathing" toward those who have made themselves God's enemies"- Watchtower 1993 November 1 p.19
    "The obligation to hate lawlessness also applies to all activity by apostates. Our attitude toward apostates should be that of David, who declared: "Do I not hate those who are intensely hating you…" - Watchtower 1992 July 15 pp.12-13
    Evidently, it is preferable in the eyes of the Watchtower's god for someone to rape an innocent woman or child than to point out hypocrisy, failures, and/or inconsistencies of the Watchtower's leaders (men) or doctrines (men's ideas). (You certainly won't see the WT suggesting that people who leave the org are 'only human' and 'no doubt there were circumstances that led them away', etc.)
    I'm not even twisting things - that really is how they think. Ruined lives are less important to the GB than their failed attempt at interpreting the bible - and they make it even more clear by how they handle abuse.
    It is disgusting.

    Good find, HintofLime! Rapists are better than apostates, according to the org. Wow. Twisted, sure...but it makes sense.

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