“Very disturbing. Shows how dangerous this cult is to both ones physical and mental well being.”
OK then, an easy way to handle rapists whether they're sorry for their crime or not is with (power tools) a pair of pliers and a blowtorch. The first punishment that comes to most people's minds for rape is castration. How do you think we should deal with these people?
Shocking WT Statement on RAPE! Disgusting!
by mentallyfree31 49 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
OK then, an easy way to handle rapists whether they're sorry for their crime or not is with (power tools) a pair of pliers and a blowtorch. The first punishment that comes to most people's minds for rape is castration. How do you think we should deal with these people?
That is exactly the sort of thing that, through open discussion, law, and politics, we as humans are tryingy to determine. It is a difficult, and on-going process - and it's not something that anybody has the answer to right now. We, as a society, are still growing - still learning who we are, what science and technology can and can't do for us - and how to treat those who could be our own brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers, sons and daughters - who doing terrible things.
The 'space' of solutions in law and justice hasn't been fully explored yet, and sometimes technology increases the available space to explore. We have the technology now to put tracking bracelets on people, and video surveillance in their homes. Is that something we can use to reduce crime? Would we want to?
Will we someday have the technology to directly erase or reinforce neural pathways in our brains? Could we use it to 'remove' criminal thought patterns? Would we want to? If a criminal asked us to do it so he wouldn't hurt someone again, would we do it?
Is the key to eliminating violent crime removing privacy? Is their any system we could trust to have that information on us? Why or why not?
These are difficult questions that we are working toward determining for ourselves. The WT is not interested in these solutions, of course - it's interested in promoting a blind, unchanging, bronze-age mentality that doesn't work in the real world. (Unless you think showing 'understanding' towards a rapist will somehow negatively reinforce his neural patterns enough that he doesn't rape again...)
- Lime
Damn. I had a point in there. I'm afraid it was lost after too many edits and not enough proof-reading.
At any rate, in spite of what other posters have said - I think defending one's faith is a fine way of determining it's strength.
- Lime
One of the issues and debates we dealt with as counselors was what to do with the pathological criminal. We know many people respond well to various methods of counseling but some have reached a tipping point and need constant monitoring or incarceration.
One of my classmates was interning at a Halfway House for juvenile offenders, young boys who had murdered or maimed someone and had spent several years incarcerated and are now being evaluated as to whether they can enter society again or if they will spend the rest of their life in prison.
Sadly in the Elder training no attempts were made to asses criminality or have long term counseling with individuals. In fact 'couseling' in that manner was directly forbidden. So much could have been learned by simply reviewing with someone the questions in the federal quidelines for counselors.
“I usually am careful when going into elevators. As usual, I checked this one out before entering, and all was OK. However, just before the door closed completely, a big man grabbed the door and opened it to come into the elevator with me. As he entered he threw a six-pack of beer at me, and I caught it. It took me by surprise.
“As the door closed he turned his back to me to do something with his pants. Then he turned around and faced me. I didn’t look down at his pants but looked him in the eyes. I threw his six-pack of beer back to him, and said, ‘Here is your beer.’
“At this moment, before he could do anything, I started to talk. I said I was one of Jehovah’s Witnesses and was going up to the 13th floor to have a Bible study with a family who was waiting for me. I just kept talking and told him about our Bible educational work. We were half way up to the 13th floor by now, and as I kept right on talking I showed no fear, looking him straight in the eyes. Then a funny thing happened. He began to say that he loved the Bible and that he was from the South and his family loved God too.
so some geezer on his way home from the off license throws his beer to someone to hold while he scratches his balls or readjusts his wedgie and gets written up as an example of a twarted rapist?????????????? ohhh pleeeeeeease!
reality check....some men do scratch and readjust and some of them dont actually worry about where, it doesnt mean theyre all potential rapists.
and a person who has suffered rape is supposed to view that as an example of how they could have handled their rapist? bleh
Deuteronomy 22:28 - the word rape as used in modern language would not apply to this account when considering the context and words used throughout the context - v. 25 uses the word chazaq to describe a rape incident, v.28 uses shakab , which can carry different meanings, and since chazaq was used to describe rape only a couple verses before in the inspired writing, would it not make sense that if it was the same type of act that the same word would have been used by the writer?
HintofLime - Good points well made.
Loz x
Then, why is it that the witlesses always insist that, unless the victim screams, they are part responsibie?
How do you think we should deal with these people?
Very much like they are treated now with long term incarceration and a series of social behavior reprogramming.
After they been through this they usually are let out under strict parole guidelines.
If they re-offend, in my opinion at least they should be locked up for good.
Interesting is it not when a JWS commits rape and the matter comes before a JC of elders all they do
is DF that person, only at times reporting the matter to the police.
Uneducated ignorant little boys playing god usually causes problems in society, a blight toward humanity.
Then, why is it that the witnesses always insist that, unless the victim screams, they are part responsible?
If a rapist has a knife to the victims throat a scream might actually cause great bodily harm, an attack
has to be handled individually as a separate instance. The JWS elders or GB who create the rules for their flock
or not educated in social psychological behavior, therfore any recommendation from these tritely idiots should be avoided.