Library Visit # 2: 607 BCE vs. 587 BCE - With Pictures!

by mentallyfree31 113 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • mentallyfree31

    Approximately five weeks ago, I visited the local library and searched every book I could find that discusses the destruction of Jerusalem in ancient times. If you didn't see that thread, you can find it here: The results were conclusive: All secular sources agree that Jerusalem was destroyed in 587/586 BCE. I found no mention of 607 BCE at all in any of the books that I searched.

    Today, I visited another library in another city in order to contine the research. Below are the snapshots of every set of encyclopedias and the articles that mention the destruction of Jerusalem. Once again, the results were conclusive: Every source I located agrees that Jerusalem was destroyed in 587/586 BCE. Below is the proof for your examination. I hope this proves helpful to many.



    This is the 2004 Edition of Encyclopedia Americana.








    Conclusion: Jerusalem was NOT destroyed in 607 BCE. The correct year was 587/586 BCE.


  • Yan Bibiyan
    Yan Bibiyan

    You are aware that Satan is very powerful and can manipulate people into writing/printing whatever he wants. He evidently misled allthe authors of the cited referenced materials .

    On a serious note - excellent job!



    Thats a lot of work, thanks!

  • HintOfLime

    No-doubt books in that same library provide definitions for the word "generation" that have been equally distorted by Satan and his wicked demons.

    - Lime

  • changeling

    Good job! I did the same when I started to leave the WT. It was ming boggling to see NO evidence for 607 and NO historical room for doubt about 587.

  • changeling

    Also, I like how many of your sources are used by the WT to prove other issues, showing their confidence in their research.

  • Darth plaugeis
    Darth plaugeis

    You are like a WW2 secret agent with these photos behind enemy lines. impressive.... very impressive indeed!

  • thetrueone

    Good work on that, the WTS. held onto 607 so firmly because it matches preconceived dates from Pyramidology.

    When Rutherford took over the WTS he tossed out Pyramindology but kept 607 to help postulate 1914.

    What the WTS leaders never acknowledged that there were many embellished stories in the bible some which

    were written many years after these specific events took place.

    A thorough analytical research of which king of Babylon was in power at the time of Jerusalem's destruction

    in comparative unison to who was in power in Jerusalem, brings information to the dated year.

    Nebuchadnezzar wasn't in power until 605 BCE.

    The 70 years of desolation was nothing but prophetic BS by the holy scribes most likely after the fact or during the overthrow.

    The WTS publishing corporation is a kingdom of disingenuous misinformation thwarted for commercial public appeal.

  • mentallyfree31

    Thanks everybody for your comments..


  • St George of England
    St George of England

    I believe it is only since about 1943 that JW's have taken the date 607 BCE. Prior to that they said it was 606 BCE. When they discovered the error due to no zero year they moved Jerusalems destruction from 606 to 607 rather than alter 1914. A case of having the desired answer and fiddling the evidence to support it.

    If you check all the old literature prior to about 1943 this is quite clear.


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