Do you want to get better?
Some JWs (or in your case no longer associating but still believing) find that once they learn the 'truth about the troof' they begin to get better because the stresses that come with a high control group are lifted.
You have a daughter, she needs a mother who is present, coherent and strong.....
Since you have chosen to not associate with your previous KH maybe pick a nice little southern baptist church in your area. Technically the SBs are not completely glued to trinity and you can remain an Arian. You can enroll your daughter in Sunday school and vacation bible school. She will learn praise using age appropriate material.
You need to socialize and begin building a support system locally
Christianity isn't really about denominations, it is about your personal belief in Jesus as the Christ and relationship with Jehovah through Jesus. Jesus set a path that really only included two commandments 1) Love Jehovah, 2) Love neighbor as yourself....... Love is easy, easy to give and receive.
I get your emotional attachment to the faith of your youth but you are falling away and unless you stop posting on internet forums and return to the fold completely including a minimum of 10 hours per month of FS..... it is time to start asking questions about those doubts instead of trying to hold on to them with tooth and nail by creating situations where you force yourself to defend those doubted beliefs.
Why not take the time to learn about the development of 1914 from Russell to Knorr? You can do so by using only WTS publications if you feel uneasy about 'other sources'. Majority of the publications have been scanned and can be downloaded for free. You can post threads about what you are reading or if you have questions.
EDITED TO INCLUDE TOPICAL COMMENT : 1975 was a bust (admitted bust DC 2009) it was based on the chronology of Fred Franz, Fred Franz is also the author of the current held chronology first spelled out in 1943's "The Truth Shall Make You Free".... in which 1874 parousia was permanently moved to 1914.
A PDF of the book is available for download at the link below