Official: Ted Jaracz's Funeral Brochure

by yknot 87 Replies latest jw friends

  • AudeSapere

    Forgot to mention, about 2 years ago I attended a JW memorial service for a long-time witness. The family had also printed up a little 4-page brochure with a couple of photos and brief stats of her life and several scriptures.

    Some do, some don't.


  • snowbird

    Ted Jaracz hails from Pike County Kentucky; Fred Franz from Kenton County.

    Interesting ...


  • JWoods
    The family had also printed up a little 4-page brochure with a couple of photos and brief stats of her life and several scriptures.

    Yes, but what was posted here looked an awful lot like official WTBTS artwork and printing, not some family thing, correct?

    Anyway, wasn't one purpose of the whole Governing Body arrangement to reduce the "one man as leader" syndrome that surrounded Knorr and later Franz?

  • lepermessiah

    Yes, but what was posted here looked an awful lot like official WTBTS artwork and printing, not some family thing, correct?


    That was printed with donations to the Worldwide Work!

  • undercover

    OTWO has a good point. Seems like it's the current trend to create a little memorial program for the deceased to be handed out at the funeral. No biggie...

    But OTOH...

    for a religion that uses funerals of R&F JWs as commercials for the religion and very little of the actual funeral is about the deceased, I can see where some would call this hypocritical.

    Personally, I don't really care about the program. The WTS is a publishing company. It's easy for them to create this with little effort or cost.

    I have little to no regard or respect for any of the GB. May they all die a horrible death and as the light goes out of their eyes may the realization that there is no place in heaven for them be their last cognizant thought.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    I just noticed his birth and baptism dates. Although part of GB 1.0 he is actually a part of Generation 1.2. That generation seems to be dying off already. When's the next noo lite?

  • Scully

    I'm guessing that his Memorial Talkā„¢ took more than 20 minutes.

  • JWoods

    Mad Sweeney has forgotten that generations now overlap according to the noo lite.

  • wannabefree

    Thanks for sharing

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    That's what I meant by Generation 1.2, JWoods. Fred Franz and the 1914 gang are Generation 1.1. Ted overlapped with Fred and so was Generation 1.2.

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