I know I was blinded.
Amazing Grace
by snowbird 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I know I was blinded.
Amazing Grace
Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.
JWoods, exactly what Jesus meant by that statement is, imo, lost in translation.
Yet, I still believe that He is coming back to Earth.
Just pointing out that there is a lot of ambiguity about this subject even directly from the bible itself.
Pretty much dealers choice, if you ask me.
All the more reason not to take a dogmatic stance on ambiguous stuff.
Can WT take a hint?
Can WT take a hint?
Apparantly (to their discredit) - only from the Millerites.
But isn't this dogmatic conclusion that no human resurrection occurred before the arbitrary year 1918 just about as ridiculous as any other date they ever published - including the notorious 1925 and 1975?
Point, JWoods.
When the watchtower says something God must accept it, obey, and keep his mouth shut. Otherwise they'll DF him.
That about sums it up, FF.
JWoods: Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.
I see what you did thar. You sneaky devil you.