I've always suspected this was the WT society's view when I was in the Jehovah's Witness organization - but never knew the head of the Writing Committee Karl Adams had written a letter to Nathan Knorr ( then WT president ) recommending a change regarding reporting field service time as it wrongly emphasized JW members being seen as mainly being approved due to field service statistics - instead of emphasizing Christian qualities of love, kindness, peace, etc.
Karl Adams had been personally handpicked by Nathan Knorr to be the head of the Writing Department. In 1971 he wrote a letter to Knorr which he wanted shared with the entire Governing Body as well . I'll share the main parts of that letter.
On pg. 187 in Ray Franz's book " In Search of Christian Freedom " Karl Adams states in his letter to Knorr, " At present we report books, booklets and magazines placed, also subscriptions obtained. The result is that, all too often, the publishers view their " success " in terms of placements . Publishers are frequently inclined to view the placement as their " goal ". They know that the congregation is going to keep a record of what they personally place. Also, the fact that placements are reported influences the basis on which elders in the congregation are inclined to appraise the work being done by publishers. There is NO REPORT of the love shown to other brothers, or of how a person discharges Christian responsibilities in his home, or of his manifesting the fruitage of the spirit, so the tendency is to emphasize the value of these figures on the publisher's report card beyond what they deserve. "
It took major courage for Karl Adams to put forth this correct viepoint to WT president Knorr as it went against the long time views of the WT society emphasizing growth at all costs pushing forth WT publications and literature. Adams continued on, he wasn't done. His letter continued, " Admittedly, the entire arrangement of reporting our field service is something BEYOND what the Bible specifically requires of Christians. Paul warned against seeking to exalt oneself by the making of comparisons. Yet, the keeping of a record of placements tends to make publishers think in those terms. As is well known, circuit overseers have left hard-working elders in congregations discouraged because of pushing them on matters involving their field service reports, when they were actually trying hard to shepherd the flock - but , of course , that time does not show on the report. And , in speaking to the entire congregation, a circuit overseer often makes more of whether the congregation is placing 12 magazines per publisher than whether there is genuine Christian love in the congregation. "
Adams continued saying that " fine works " that were approved in congregation members were assessed principally " of what shows up on a field service report " instead of publishers demonstrating love and Christian qualities.
The thanks that the GB and Knorr gave Karl Adams for his letter to them ? Most of the governing body didn't read it except Ray Franz - and the decision by Knorr and the GB was to carry on the " reporting of time " tradition which started under Judge Rutherford's WT regime. So it made plain that the priority of the WT society was keping " outward appearances " and increasing literature placements and numbers - than promoting qualities of love, kindness, peace, and mildness in JW members.
So when you see how calloused JW's are , how they DON'T show love for fellow humans- or even their OWN members- thank the Governing body's policies of statistics and numbers first - showing love second or none at all. When you were a witness did you notice the hardnosed view of other witnesses in emphasizing field service first and always- but love and kindness hardly at all ? This book by Franz has been quite an eye opener for me. As always I look forward to your takes and observations. Peace out to all, Mr. Flipper