John, no you have not. You have told me it is "the ratio of occurances to non-occurances". Thats not a definiton, at least not one that can be applied imediately to a future event, since you have not told me how these occurances and non-occurances relate to your enumeration of possible outcomes.
YOU began this by telling me probability has nothing to do with belief. Now im calling you to account on that statement.
UPDATE and while we are at it, the statement you quote me to has to do with the example of the couple who has had 3 kids, all boys, and you are asked what the probability their next kid will be a boy is. You answered by an example of a fair coin, which PER DEFINITION has probability 1/2.
In essense i asked you a question, then you answer a completely other question where your answer is true by definition. I doubt that would have worked for you in school...