144001, And what PRAY TELL does the org get out of all those field service slips being turned in? The last time I checked I had to pay them NOTHING. So what is your gripe? It does accurately record the people ACTUALLY doing the preaching work does it not? I don´t see any hours for other religions. -- Bane
Thank you for your polite response. To answer your question, the field service slips are crucial to the control exerted by the Watchtower Corporation over those who choose to be Jehovah's Witnesses. Reported field service activity that is deemed "inadequate" by the elders, applying the standards imposed upon them by management of the Watchtower corporations, results in a "shepherding call" from the elders, who utilize pressure to coerce those subjected to such calls to increase their field service activity. At a macro level, management of the Watchtower corporations utlize the aggregate totals reported on such field service reporting slips to determine the nature of policy, including marketing efforts that will be used to increase membership and corresponding revenues in areas deemed to be under-performing.
You are correct in noting that you "don't see any hours for other religions." That's because controlling parishioners and coercing them to perform as uncompensated marketing representatives for their corporate entities is not among the objectives of "other religions." Indeed, the Watchtower corporations should serve as a model for other individuals and entities who seek to exploit others for monetary gain under the guise of religion. The Watchtower has perfected its business model over the years and is an incredible, money-making machine!