The first couple of times they called, I lied. Made up some stuff. I was good too. I said, "hold on, let me get my book." held the phone away so he couldn't hear me breathing...waited about 30 seconds and then, "Okay, here we go... " (shuffled the newspaper as if I'm turning pages in my notebook)... " 8 hours... um (shuffle) 1, 2, yes, 6 magazines, um(shuffle)...2 rvs... and....(shuffle)1 book. (shuffle) Oh wait, one brochure as well."
The third time they cornered me at the hall, a rare instance of my showing up for a meeting. I lied again...said I didn't have my bookbag, but as soon as I got home I'd call him with it. Never called of course.
They quit bothering after that.