And now my letters are even small so no one can read them...
Yes it's a vast apostate conspiracy.
And we've also disabled that little box that says "Font size" on your account.
by 5thGeneration 121 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
And now my letters are even small so no one can read them...
Yes it's a vast apostate conspiracy.
And we've also disabled that little box that says "Font size" on your account.
It's true that early Christians hoped that the Parousia would occur in their lifetimes.
The Thessalonian Christians were discouraged over the fact that their older ones were dying before this event occurred. Paul reassures them at 1 Thessalonains 4:13-18 and makes it quite clear that he thought some of them would still be alive when this event occurred. (1 Thess 4:17)
Paul was obviously wrong. Jesus did not descend from heaven and resurrect the dead in his lifetime. In retrospect, what kind of Christian would Paul have been if he had thrown any Christians who doubted or disagreed with him out of the congregation?
The JW faith has also obviously been wrong. They have assured people that eschatological events would occur in their lifetimes. Those events have not occured yet. The reinterpretation of Matthew 24:34 for a third time in a span of 15 years is proof of that fact in and of itself.
Another good example was when thousands of people were asked to stand up at an assembly in 1935. They were told clearly and unambiguously that they were the "Great Crowd" of Revelation who "Come out" of the "Great tribulation." That was 75 years ago and those people were adults at the time. The "Great tribulation" still has not occurred. Again, the JW faith was wrong.
However unlike Paul, the JW faith both demanded and continues to demand that people agree with those false hopes. Understandings that in retrospect we can discern as being wrong were presented as the "Truth" without equivocation -- The product of active direction and guidance from God.
There is a huge moral difference at work here. If you can provide us with a single example in the Bible where people were thrown out of congregation for disagreeing with or doubting a false hope that somebody held, then please do so.
If you can't do that, then you are simply dragging the good name of the Apostles through the mud to defend your organization.
Which does Bane respect more; the Apostles or the JW organization?
Bane said:
They were asking JEsus if it were true or not.
My reply: The Wt INSISTED the end had to come before the physical generation of 1914 passed away- calling it 'the Creator's promise'. That is what you call a false prophet. The org published their false prophecy over MANY years many millions of times.
Doubting Bro said......
At no time in the WTS history have they been able to acheive such growth as the run-up to 1975.
The new generation teaching is an effort to get some of that excitement back. Time will tell if it will work but the apathy problem is growing more noticable every day.
Agree with all four points 100%, all of them.
Laughed a lot at this from BANE....
But yet someone erases it....You guys jump up and down about the org being restrictive...LOOK AT YOURSELVES!!!! YOU HAVE BANNED ME BEFORE AND NOW YOU EDIT MY POSTS! I love the hypocrisy here.
And now my letters are even small so no one can read them...
Conspiracy theory anyone? By the way, when is the next Evil Apostate ex-Witnesses District Convention where we learn how to make young newbies lose control over their own computers?
OHHHHHHHHHHHH Bane!!!!! You crack me up!!!!!! You need to start thinking outside the box, my friend!!!!!!!!!
TD, It seems you might be the only one with a brain here. Issac has not mastered the art of conversation yet. So let´s just say for argument sake that what you say is true. One of my favorite movies is 12 Angry Men. Juror number 6 raised a question in the movie. He was looking for a motive. So I am asking, what would be the motive of the society trying to guess the end times? Certainly it is keeping on the watch is it not? How do you keep on the watch if you never talk about anything. You say to show you a scripture about kicking someone out of the congregation for not agreeing with it.
Clearly God´s congregation should not have murmurers in it. They will be destroyed by Jehovah yes? He did it in Moses´day right? Is it murmuring against God´s people when people complain about things that might´ve been said? Yes it is. From this scripture since God doesn´t do destroying in our common day that PROBABLY he wouldn´t want them in the congregation either right? So there. There is your answer.
The JW faith does NOT expect the brothers to KEEP agreeing that 1975 is Armaggedon. That is silly to say that. It was a false hope. Yet, we are not supposed to continue believing that THAT was Armaggedon. You say that they encourage that. You are wrong.
IT is not a matter of respecting EITHER the org or the apostles. Have you tried asking a woman as to who her children that she MOST likes?
Doubtingbro, Can you post SPECIFICALLY what was said in the 1968 WT about 1975 being the REAL date for armaggeddon? You know I DO have it on CD rom so it´s probably best to tell what was in there fully.
I think Jah allowed 1975 to get the apostates out. To clean up the bad people in it. I mean really...WHAT is the motive? To run up membership? Hardly. I am SURE it was exciting to live during that time. They were keeping on the watch. They DID have some proof that it might´ve come that year dont´cha know. I myself didn´t come in until the early nineties. But look all around us now. Catholic church being throughly investigated now, 100 Earthquakes so far THIS year, the oil spill which will destroy all our ocean sealife. I firmly believe Armaggedon is really close now. Jesus said WHOEVER endured till the end remember?
1 corinthians 10:10 Neither be murmurers, just as some of them murmured, only to perish by the destroyer. 11 Now these things went on befalling them as examples, and they were written for a warning to us upon whom the ends of the systems of things have arrived.
Clearly God´s congregation should not have murmurers in it. They will be destroyed by Jehovah yes? He did it in Moses´day right? Is it murmuring against God´s people when people complain about things that might´ve been said? Yes it is. From this scripture since God doesn´t do destroying in our common day that PROBABLY he wouldn´t want them in the congregation either right? So there. There is your answer.
The JW faith does NOT expect the brothers to KEEP agreeing that 1975 is Armaggedon. That is silly to say that. It was a false hope. Yet, we are not supposed to continue believing that THAT was Armaggedon. You say that they encourage that. You are wrong.
IT is not a matter of respecting EITHER the org or the apostles. Have you tried asking a woman as to who her children that she MOST likes?
Doubtingbro, Can you post SPECIFICALLY what was said in the 1968 WT about 1975 being the REAL date for armaggeddon? You know I DO have it on CD rom so it´s probably best to tell what was in there fully.
I think Jah allowed 1975 to get the apostates out. To clean up the bad people in it. I mean really...WHAT is the motive? To run up membership? Hardly. I am SURE it was exciting to live during that time. They were keeping on the watch. They DID have some proof that it might´ve come that year dont´cha know. I myself didn´t come in until the early nineties. But look all around us now. Catholic church being throughly investigated now, 100 Earthquakes so far THIS year, the oil spill which will destroy all our ocean sealife. I firmly believe Armaggedon is really close now. Jesus said WHOEVER endured till the end remember?
1 corinthians 10:10 Neither be murmurers, just as some of them murmured, only to perish by the destroyer. 11 Now these things went on befalling them as examples, and they were written for a warning to us upon whom the ends of the systems of things have arrived.
1 corinthians 10:10 Neither be murmurers, just as some of them murmured, only to perish by the destroyer. 11 Now these things went on befalling them as examples, and they were written for a warning to us upon whom the ends of the systems of things have arrived.
Clearly God´s congregation should not have murmurers in it. They will be destroyed by Jehovah yes? He did it in Moses´day right? Is it murmuring against God´s people when people complain about things that might´ve been said? Yes it is. From this scripture since God doesn´t do destroying in our common day that PROBABLY he wouldn´t want them in the congregation either right? So there. There is your answer.
The JW faith does NOT expect the brothers to KEEP agreeing that 1975 is Armaggedon. That is silly to say that. It was a false hope. Yet, we are not supposed to continue believing that THAT was Armaggedon. You say that they encourage that. You are wrong.
IT is not a matter of respecting EITHER the org or the apostles. Have you tried asking a woman as to who her children that she MOST likes?
Doubtingbro, Can you post SPECIFICALLY what was said in the 1968 WT about 1975 being the REAL date for armaggeddon? You know I DO have it on CD rom so it´s probably best to tell what was in there fully.
I think Jah allowed 1975 to get the apostates out. To clean up the bad people in it. I mean really...WHAT is the motive? To run up membership? Hardly. I am SURE it was exciting to live during that time. They were keeping on the watch. They DID have some proof that it might´ve come that year dont´cha know. I myself didn´t come in until the early nineties. But look all around us now. Catholic church being throughly investigated now, 100 Earthquakes so far THIS year, the oil spill which will destroy all our ocean sealife. I firmly believe Armaggedon is really close now. Jesus said WHOEVER endured till the end remember?
I see Bane's mumbling again
Bane ; if it is possible the public discourses that were made at DC's during the late 60's early 70's would enlighten you if you could perhaps listen to tape recordings of those speeches, your "oracle" mad Freddie Franz(frequenter of male only saunas in New York) was someone who had a particular fondness of this dogma, then laid the blame on the R&F when the doctrine fell into the shit, Google is your friend.
"1975 allowed the Apostates to get out" That's the funniest statement I've heard this week, the Apostates started the whole lie and rule from Brooklyn to our present day!
No they would not enlighten me. Again the apostles THEMSELVES set a date. 33 CE. It didn´t come then but yet they didn´t quit being JEsus followers. Most apostate websites say THIS and THIS and THIS but they never show any proof. The proof is in the pudding.
Did you guys know that ALSO JW´s used to celebrate Christmas? They used to have the cross on the front cover of the WT. But they CHANGED all that when they realized it was wrong. So what? 1975 was wrong. SO WHAT! If anything it just proves who is keeping on the watch and who is not. Apostates can SAY anything. But if I don´t see the actual magazine, then it is just hearsay. Show me something I can find like in the CD roms. Are the society´s teachings correct? Trinity, hellfire etc. Ok then THAT makes it the true religion for me. Some over zealous men said some things which were not exact...So what? Every human on Earth has done it.
I have predicted Armaggedon myself a few times. Was I wrong? Sure. Do I have God´s holy spirit? Sure I do. But all us humans make mistakes. That´s why we are imperfect.