BANE- do you understand that most of us aren't free of your religion is because we have family members like you? Family members who are kinda stuck up, self righteous, and trapped in a cult, and if we mention one word of 'cult', we could possibly lose our mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, sons, and daughters and people who we love?
Can your small mind -(and I man you're being small-minded not that you have a small mind), which is stuck on the 'Why don't you all move on and stop talking about us?' argument that most of us have been in at some point in our lives so we get what you mean more than you do- comprehend that we can't? We were raised in a culture and are either stuck in between and/or now have to develop skills in places unfamiliar to us, in terms of dating, holidays, 'worldy' friends and family, sometimes work, education, our morals, and how we fit in it all?
If your world changed overnight, wouldn't you want to be with people who were going through the same thing? Your a JW who has bought the evil Apostates who are bitter and hate your religion because we're out of now due to our immorality line so easily that you cannot see us any other way.
Honestly, I come back and forth to JWD at times and poke my head in because its like a gathering of people from a culture most 'worldlies' don't get. They don't know what its like to have a parent who threatens to cut you off over and over again (and I guess you want to ignore the pain that causes most people, JW or not 'cause you don't want to admit we may have a point), who calls you only when they want something or have no other reason for talking to you except to sell you their bs religion.
If you knew anything about mankind, you'd understand that we're a social creature and we depend on our familes and our connections to people; this organization has either taken our families or seriously screwed them up. Are our familes partially to blame for buying it? Of course, but the organization you love so much isn't clean nor is it blameless.Some of us are victims and victims need to let out their frustrations; you don't have to agree with whats posted, i don't agree with everything either and yes some of us make our own beds to lie in.
But we didn't make those beds by ourselves.
Do some people need to 'move on'? Of course they do. But focusing soley on that does not enhance your argument at all and makes you kind of look silly. We know what we have to do; you think you're the first person to come here with the 'Move on, apostates! You're pathetic' line?" Darling, you're late and whats worst there were those who became before you who were waaay more interesting.
So we gather to b*tch about JWS and the theology... we complain about every othe thing under the sun too. The important question is why are you still here when you aren't suppose to be? Since you've decided that we'll be here 20 years b*tching, the question is if you'll be here 20 years b*tching about our b*tching. Srsly, darling come up with a new schtick. Because if you think we're sad... well
You know what they say about Bad association. And you are here with us. So...