Last week, my COBOE, formerly known as the PO, read a letter from NY giving directions on how to handle cases of "sexting" in the congregation. I've vaguely heard of sexting in news articles. I'm thinking though, the Branch isn't going to send out a letter unless there's a trend. This is similar to the letter that was sent on pornography indicating that it is a major problem. I'm hearing more and more cases of brothers getting removed due to pornography. So now, here's the latest trend, "sexting." If I remember what I heard correctly, when a situation involving minors occurs with "sexting", the Elder body is to contact the Legal Department. This is the case, even when the people involved are both minors. For adults doing such, its up to the Elders discretion on whether or not it warrents a Judicial Committee.
I have to admit, I'm somewhat intrigued by this. People are getting DF'd and privileges removed for sending each other explicit pictures or nasty talk via text messages on a phone.