I think the main thing I would be concerned about as a parent of a teen is this: once you send that nude picture of yourself, by text, email, facebook, or whatever, it is out of your control. If your girlfriend or boyfriend breaks up with you and decides to show every single person you both know, put up a poster in the washroom at school, tag it on facebook, you are screwed. Easy to put out there, not so easy to take back.
Why does everyone want to be a pornstar these days, anyway? Is porn now so mainstream that everyone under the age of 25 is now comfortable showing their nudybits on the internet? That being said, how is it any different then a nude beach in Europe where everyone is that comfortable and has been for decades, including the old geezers?
It's really a fascinating social phenomenon, but the underlying human behaviour has not changed. People are sexual beings, the sex drive is very primal and very strong and the younger you are the more obsessed with mating you are (usually), that is never going to change and whatever technology is available is just one more outlet for that expression, the technology is in no way a driving force. That's why railing against the internet and other technology is a big wast of WTBTS time. Before electronics and moving pictures, there was a huge secret market in dirty drawings of sex. People don't change.