I don't know if I can give you anything that will help. I can only speak from my experience.
I had a lot of trouble with prayer afterward too. Who had I been praying to all this time? How many times had I felt like I had been heard? How could I trust myself again?
The short answer was that I couldn't trust myself. Or my judgment. I was too confused, too torn, too raw. I obsessed about finding the new truth to replace the old truth that I thought JW's had. I met with the mormons (even though the voice in the back of my head was screaming, are you insane? Have you learned nothing?) I searched the bible again and again. I continued to pray, even though it felt empty, mainly because I wasn't sure I was being heard.
It was hard, to say the least.
One day, I just stopped. I was in my car, the sun was shining on my face, the breeze blowing through the windows. I felt good. I felt calm. And I asked God to guide me to where I needed to be. I put myself in His hands, and gave HIM my trust.
It wasn't just empty words that I spoke. I really felt it. I had such a sense of relief and peace, handing my trust over like that. I was no longer desperate to know 'the truth' RIGHT NOW. I stopped worrying that I didn't have all the answers - who needs them? I am one of six billion people on this planet. We don't all do the same and think the same. I just wanted God to guide me to the place he wanted ME to be, no matter how long it took, or what mistakes I made along the way.
I started living my life. I started trusting the example Jesus taught and showed us. I started using love and mercy to guide me in my actions toward others.
I've read testimonials from people who have lost their faith, but find great happiness/peace in not having all the answers. Of not having to know the truth. Just people who are enjoying the journey of life.
Well I have great peace in not knowing the answers, also (but trusting that God does). I have love and joy and peace in my faith. And I am enjoying my journey through faith, every bit as much as I am enjoying my journey through life.
That was long. Sorry. Bottom line - trust God. Accept also that your emotions are normal; that making mistakes is normal; that not knowing is normal. I hope you can hand your trust over to God as well.