Since I spent a bit of time looking up this info I shamelessly copied from another thread for a new post here to get thoughts on how goofy their bibliography is. how many jw's would take the time, if they even take the time to read the brochure, to check out these references in the bibliography.
HOW FAST CAN A CELL REPRODUCE? On page 11 includes reference 16 to bibliography.
That book can be found here
Notice the point the tract is making about quality.
Human manufacturers often have to sacrifice
quality to produce an item at a fast pace. How
is it possible, then. that cells can reproduce
so fast and so accurately if they are the product
of undirected accidents?
Now notice how the book they reference points out that while new brain
cells are formed at the astounding rate of 250.000
per minute this is many more than are needed and that the excess are
pruned away. The info on pages 16 and 17 seems more to suggest the
process of evolution then to support them I would say.
So if this is typical maybe they should not emphasize the bibliography