Free will.That's the answer
question for Bane
by isaacaustin 29 Replies latest jw friends
XPeterX, that does not exist in the WT, not without sanctions from the org.
Bane's not obliged to answer
No, he is not. However, I already knew he wouldn't. He simply shows himself up as being a hypocrite and not trusting in the organization he claims to follow. Then again, he obviously is not a JW anyway, as is clear to anyone here.
Not a JW?Prove it
Several things XPeterX...the most glaring being his not knowing basic JW terms that all JWs know. Addtionally, a truly believing JW would not come to a website banned by the org. The things he says to try to make his being here appear to be Biblically substantiated actually go against Wt teaching.
Then he's just a troll. Actually, since we don't know the troll's gender, he's an it. Or do we know it's gender? For some reason I'm reminded of a Simpson's character and naturally and quite arrogantly assign him the title of "he"....
True Fester..."bane" is a whom we have received no confirmation of geneder other than its own admission- which is not worth the bandwith it is wasting.
All JW's are ignorant in general but are especially so if they post here defending their cult. To all JW lurkers: First, your "god", the GB (who by the way are the most evil, arrogant and stupid group of perverts I've ever met, and I have met many personally in NYC) consider themselves as "gods" equal to Jesus. And occasionally above Jesus. They even decide what Jehovah said and/or means when they "explain" Bible verses. JW's are so arrogant they believe that those who are not JW's cannot think at all. Never mind that we have college degrees and usually far higher IQ's. And to clarify one point: Many JW's have claimed they would do well in college if it were allowed. NO, you would NOT. Most of you would flunk out. Your reasoning abilities shown at the door, your publications, the logic you accept from the idiots who write your garbage, all show an inferior IQ along with disturbing occurrences of mental illness. And yes, I have the right to say this, I have a degree in Psychology.
NO ONE in the Bible told you to "police" any forums and fight "apostasy". You want to follow Jesus? Then do real miracles and die on a cross. Not a stake, a cross. Not willing?? Then shut the hell up about following your "lord". I've heard that crap for 30 years and it doesn't wash. Jesus never intended for any human to follow everything he did. Can you fly? Walk on water?
And the word "apostate". I'm sick to death of this. Find a dictionary IF you know what it is. Apostates are people who leave their first or given beliefs. It can be religion or politics. Actually, since most JW's used to belong to other religions, YOU ARE APOSTATES. That's right. YOU. We who have left your sick cult are only doing what the Bible teaches about having a clean conscience. Your cult protects and defends pedophiles. You lie in court after swearing on the Bible, a book you know nothing about. YOU are the hypocrites and vipers Jesus mentioned.
Every JW who reads these forums or posts here is a hypocrite. As suggested above, leave your real names and addresses. We'll see that your elders get this info and take action. I don't think many of you are that brave or sure that you're supposed to be here. Any takers? Cowards. All of you.
"So there." Oohhhh, you ARE tough. You haven't defeated ANY idea here. You twist verses for your own use. We won't go away and you can't make us. Neither can your sick "god", the GB. If there is a real god, he doesn't use YOU to teach his word. There's a quote that applies to you and all JW's:
"Born free, live stupid, die stupid." Too bad you made the wrong choice.
I might add that the bible doesn't "teach" anything. It's merely a book abused by religious authorities over the years. There is absolutely not one shred of historical evidence from a contemporary historian proving even the existence of a figure known as "Jesus". So for all the people out there that like to use the bible as an authoritative document, they need to first prove, (somehow) that the figures are historical and the writings are not second hand. Since we don't know who wrote any of it, have no access to any it's original documents, the earliest copies of copies we have are dated nearly 200 years after the time period they allegedly take place in.
Believe in yourself. Question all forms of authority. Think for yourself.