Do you think JWS are a cult?

by Trixie 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • Will Power
    Will Power

    sexy teen
    that is what is said out of one side of the mouth.
    The other side spews that they substitute for Christ on earth. Who is your mediator? WT definition is a legal representative. Jesus is only the mediator for the annointed. The other sheep or great crowd is represented by a printing company in brooklyn NY

  • DB

    The jws do appear to fit several of the criteria listed by cult experts. Some examples that I have seen that match such criteria:

    They disfellowship and shun those who disagree with their teachings.
    They discourage members from being friends with outsiders; therefore, members depend upon them for social contact. When a jw cuts ties or is df'd, they stand to lose their friends.
    Jws who cut ties or are df'd also stand to lose association w family members who are jws.
    Their doctrines and teachings are decided upon by a group of men. Members are expected to keep 'in-line' with such teachings, but have no input in the decision-making process.
    Those who question such teachings are usually thought of as "spiritually weak", they may even be disfellowshipped for questioning the teachings. Hence, dissenters are eventually rooted out, making it easier to keep existing members in line.
    Though God and Jesus are mentioned often, the organization itself often becomes the focal-point for jws. They are taught that as individuals, they cannot understand the Bible. Thus, they form a great deal of dependance on the organization. They are taught that they cannot 'get life' unless they come to the organization.
    Their elders and judicial committees meet in secret, hence abuses are commonplace. Those victimized have little or no recourse if they feel a decision is wrong. They are allowed little or no representation when appearing before a judicial committee.
    These are just a few examples that cause many people to view the jw religion as a cult.

  • Mr Ben
    Mr Ben


    May I ask if you believe, for example, if Jesus was responsible for the decision to ban organ transplants as cannibalistic, then to reverse the decision several years later after who knows how many loyal dubs were injured or died?

    If Jesus was not behind it then who was? And to whom were the injured/dead dubs loyal to?

    If you do not know about this I will pull out the references for you.

    Mr Ben

    Religion n.
    An organisation designed to promote atheism.

  • AlanF

    SexyTeen, JWs don't follow Jesus Christ. They follow what a group of men say about Jesus Christ. There's a big difference.


  • Celia

    SexyTeen says :

    I don't think they are. I am not sure but isn't a cult those that follow a man or a teacher, like the Branch Davidians? I believe that Jesus is the head of the congregation.

    Jesus ? You said Jesus is the head of the congregation ?
    When did Jesus say that you have to shun friends and even family members if they don't agree with the rules of the Watch Tower Society of Brooklyn, NY ?
    When did Jesus ask mothers and fathers to let their children die rather than allow them to have a life saving blood transfusion ?
    And there are many more exemples...

  • Mulan

    Ditto, what Alan said.

    Jesus named no successor. They have made themselves his successor. Big difference.

    Marilyn (a.k.a. Mulan)
    "No one can take advantage of you, without your permission." Ann Landers

  • NameWithheld

    SexyTeen, you've seen many replies so far, but you yourself have shown that YOU follow men. When you had questions about going to college, you already said you went to the elders for advice. Why? What mystical power do those men hold? They are your leaders, you are following men. If not, you would not feel the need to discuss major life descisions with them. You would discuss with parents or make up your own mind.

    You may fight and say you did make up your own mind, but ask yourself this, had the elder(s) said in clear terms that college was a waste of time, and you should go if you wanted to be 'a mature christain' - would you still be going?

    Or better yet, why didn't YOU go to the bible and try and find out what god wanted you to do for yourself?

  • Will Power
    Will Power

    should sexy teen get a bit of a heads up? She is describing what appears to be the ideal JW life. If she goes off asking questions that life might all of a sudden change - drastically!

    I think the mediator question is a real soul searching one for anyone truly doubting. Very scary.

  • freeman

    Hey Sexyteen,
    You are correct; one of the dominant characteristics of a religious cult is that they exclusively follow the teachings of a leader. The leader often claims to speak for God, to be God’s representative on earth, his mouthpiece. And the followers are not allowed to disagree with the teachings of the leader as to do so would be tantamount to speaking against God. Do you know any leaders that fit that description? I’ll give you a hint: they live in Brooklyn and they make all the rules you have to follow.

    They tell you what parts of blood you may accept and what parts you must refuse. They used to say you could not have an organ transplant to save your life, but they changed their minds now and say its OK if you want one. Have any idea who I am speaking about?

    It’s the Governing Body, SexyTeen, it’s the governing body. They make and change the rules and all Jehovah’s Witnesses have to follow them, or didn’t you know that?


  • Scully

    Yes they are.

    ST: Why do you suppose that when someone is baptized as a JW, they verbally agree to remain loyal to an organization, rather than the teachings of Jesus?

    These are the questions a person has to say "Yes" to, in order to be baptized as a JW:

    1 On the basis of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, have you repented of your sins and dedicated yourself to Jehovah to do his will?
    2 Do you understand that your dedication and baptism identify you as one of Jehovah's Witnesses in association with God's spirit-directed organization? – June 1, 1985 Watchtower, p30
    Jesus clearly said "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." Why do JWs feel that they need to follow the commands of the WTS instead of going directly through Jesus?

    The WTS, my dear, is an organization whose leadership is made up of men. The president is Don Adams. Other members of the Governing Body are Ted Jaracz, Milton Henschel, and Dan Sydlik. They are the ones who make decisions about what JWs can and cannot do. They are the leaders of the JWs, Jesus is not. Contrary to popular JW folklore, these men do not come together and pray about decisions that will impact 6 million followers. More often than not, the Bible is not even consulted on matters. They vote on it. And not just any regular majority vote either. There has to be a two-thirds majority in order to make any changes to current policy.

    If you're willing to place your hope for the future in the hands of a dozen or so old men, then fine. But you deserve to know the facts before you go ahead and make a serious decision like that.

    Here's another thought for you to ponder:

    I'm sure you would agree that dishonesty is a characteristic that Jesus would not approve. But notice what the WTS has to say about lying:

    *** it-2 244-5 Lie *** LIE
    The opposite of truth. Lying generally involves saying something false to a person who is entitled to know the truth and doing so with the intent to deceive or to injure him or another person. A lie need not always be verbal. It can also be expressed in action, that is, a person may be living a lie... While malicious lying is definitely condemned in the Bible, this does not mean that a person is under obligation to divulge truthful information to people who are not entitled to it.
    Who exactly decides who is and who is not "entitled to" truthful information?? Are you entitled to truthful information? What would you do.... how would you feel.... if one day you found out that the Organization covered up facts about their history that made them look bad?? What if you found out that the Organization blamed JWs for believing that 1975 was going to bring Armageddon, when all along it had been the WTS in its publications and talks from the platform that encouraged JWs to prepare for 1975??

    Think about it. You are young enough to have a full rich life and do whatever you want with the talents and gifts that God gave you. Don't let a group of old men take that away from you.

    Love, Scully

    It is not persecution for an informed person
    to expose a certain religion as being false.
    - WT 11/15/63

    A religion that teaches lies cannot be true. -WT 12/1/91

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