Shelby I appreciate all that you stated here, but the cold hard facts are quite simple, the biblical format is one mainly taken from the Mithras concerning the character in the story called "Jesus". We have absolutely no historical documents proving the existence of Jesus. We have no proof of authorship of any of the gospels. We have no credible contemporary historian to ever once mention Jesus in any historical document in the first century.
Now, concerning the story of the bible itself, aside from no historical evidence of the existence of Jesus, let's assume that your Lord is real and does exist. You commented on how he didn't come to bring peace and unite fathers with sons, mothers with daughters, correct? You stated that his coming was going to definitely bring division among family, correct? If his coming wasn't to bring peace among all family members, than how does he actually fit the role of Messiah? Moreover, how does any of this "I'm not here to bring peace but division among families" fit with Paul's words in Ephesians Chapter 2 where he said "He came preaching peace and breaking down the dividing wall of hostility"? Malachi 4:6 tells us that the Moshiach(s) are always supposed to unite people, family, Israel, etc. The goal of the Moshiach is to reunite the two houses of Israel/Judah, not divide!
Another question for you though: How does Isaiah 7:14 end up in Matthew? Doesn't Isaiah 7:14 strictly deal with Isaiah's son in Isaiah 8:3? What kind of sign was given to Ahaz that he could interpret 700 years later?
Careful with me.... I've been known to slowly persuade MANY away from Jesus and eliminate their crutches....