What "invisible" persons do you actually firmly believe in?? (and Why?)

by Terry 96 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • mind blown
    mind blown

    I never said energy was one thing in particular. I was making a point, atoms along with their motion(energy), is you.

    Atomic energy exists outside our bodies.....in many forms..... so who's to say thought (also a fine form of kinetic energy) can't exist outside corporeal bodies?

    An Oxford team, led by Dr David Deutsch, showed mathematically that the bush-like branching structure created by the universe splitting into parallel versions of itself can explain the nature of quantum outcomes.

    The Bible. Truth and Lies. Legend and History. Corrupted and Facts.

  • Leolaia

    Dan Risken is on Craig Ferguson right now (East Coast, I'm in Norfolk).....

  • Terry

    I never said energy was one thing in particular. I was making a point, atoms along with their motion(energy), is you.

    Atomic energy exists outside our bodies.....in many forms..... so who's to say thought (also a fine form of kinetic energy) can't exist outside corporeal bodies?

    Isn't this rather like saying the "meaning" in these sentences is really just words. But, "words" are just letters. But, "letters" are just pixels on our screen. But, "Pixels" are just .................etc.?

    A forest is not a tree. But, so what?

    What human beings really "are" is a coalescence of directed behavior within a water sac propped up by bones.

  • bohm

    Scientists seem quite helpless; they dont know what the stuff on the table really consist of, they dont know why it fall to the ground, they dont know what time is, they dont know what energy is and they dont know what space is. They dont know what it all came from or why, and they only have a qualified guess as to where its all going.

    interesting times!

    But its a bit offtopic, no?

    I think its an interesting question when it is posed like Terry did with the usual clarity.

  • Terry

    I think the point was being made that our life/character/self is "invisible because it is merely atoms. Or some such.

    Don't really know what the point was....

  • bohm

    Like David Mermin said: Just shut up and calculate!

    At the end of the day, you can think all you want if energy really exist, or you can write up your lagrangian or hamiltonian and get the space shuttle off the ground.

    The only really meanigfull measure on ideas are their utillity in terms of predicting the world. thats why energy exist.

    Regarding the invisible person in the sky -- your really entering interlectual cowboy land when you deal with Gods. So lets say God exist, how can we know what properties he posess? its all guesswork - he can be good, bad, humorless, indifferent, cruel - there is no way to differentiate between those ideas, and they tell us ZERO about the world. Thats why its such a damn fine question. You can have any guy in the sky, there is no objective reason to believe firmly in one particular, especially when you allow the idea he might lie to you.

    And why not? Kim Young Ill tell his people he is a God to boost his ego and let him live a comfortable life.

  • cyberjesus

    Marked to ignore later

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